Team Crusaders

A team of Pokémon with unquestionable zeal, this group has gotten to the point where they view any and all criminal activity - no matter how severe - with the same scorn and derision (no, seriously, they called a shoplifter 'pure evil' once and MEANT IT). Anyone with a criminal background, a crime on their record, or even so much as RELATED to someone with the same is viewed as the scum of the earth, with the lattermost needing to 'redeem' themselves for the failure of their blood. They don't seem to know the meaning of moderation...they go after bounties on minor crooks with the same violent fervor as they do career criminals. It's a problem

And don't even get them started on Team Ferine...after their rather humiliating defeat at Stan's hands they've sworn to avenge their honor and bring him to justice, to the point where they'll actively bully other exploration teams out of their way. THEY are going to be the ones to defeat Team Ferine and save the Coldour region, thank you very much