Polyhexian's Bulletins

joviak world

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Polyhexian

YES okay I am going to make a nice clean toyhouse world for Joviaks to keep track of everything. I'm at a convention this weekend but when I get home I'll clean everything up all nice, make some nice copy and paste lineage forms and maybe some kind of tracking thread or something. I'll buckle down and figure it out to make it real pretty! And then to celebrate I can do some raffles, maybe a DTE. Some nice little freebies to thank you all for your patience. It'll be great.

Joviak Masterlist

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Polyhexian

I've been thinking I should really make a Joviak Masterlist... And I wonder if I should do a traditional DeviantArt ML account? Hm...