Joviak Masterlist

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Polyhexian

I've been thinking I should really make a Joviak Masterlist... And I wonder if I should do a traditional DeviantArt ML account? Hm...


I’ve seen the closed species community use Neocities (the website maker) for their master lists! I suggest maybe trying that? I used a template for mine and had some help from another creator.

Hm!!! I use Google sites for my arpg trackers and I've used neocities here and there. It's much cleaner, but it might make it harder for users to add info themselves and I wanted these guys to offer a little room for self management- which is why breeding is on a bit of the honour system. Hrrrrmm maybe I need to look at some off-site Masterlist for Inspiration

Yeah! Understandable, you could also use Toyhouse worlds as a masterlist? ^^ People can just submit them on their own once they are accepted in a forum or soemthing. 

Oh my god I keep forgetting toyhouse worlds exists. I know so little about it. Gotta look into that too

I can help out if you ever need help setting it up if you’d like! If not that’s fine. ^^

it could be cool i think. would it just be who owns which joviaks or would it account for what pairs have mated and who's related as like a grand thing? (I'm just curious)

Hm.... I think it would have to track that! I might do it a little like some of my arpgs structure it, with the family tree in the description but then a comment where you can reply to with offspring and who the parent is so it doesn't require going through a moderator to edit the description, you can just update that info yourself right there.

That sounds pretty fun actually ^^ and super snazzy to be able to comment with parents and off spring to update it