

Joviaks are a race of draconic reptiles that live near the sea. They live on extremely difficult to climb sea facing cliffs and enjoy climbing sheer rock faces with their opposable thumbs. They can hold their breath for up to six hours at a time, and use this to explore deep sea caves searching for prey. Their long and weasel-like bodies allow them to get in and out of small crevices in the rock, and their ability to hold their breath allows them to get into submerged caverns. Joviaks primarily eat Calcite.

They live in small family groups, like lions, with young adults often leaving to find mates and form their own small groups. Joviaks are quite intelligent animals and usually end territory disputes with social skills, but are not afraid to battle things out if it comes to it.

Typically, Joviaks are four legged, long bodied creatures that can only reach the top of the cliff by climbing, however, occasionally, a Joviak will hatch with wings. Generally, the flying Joviaks are the ones that more frequently leave their original pods to lead their own. The winged variety are typically stronger and larger than the smaller, wingless variety, and a pod will typically contain two winged Joviaks and several smaller wingless Joviaks. Winged Joviaks have more difficulty going underground than wingless ones, so most of the harvesting of Calcite for food is done by the wingless variety while Winged Joviaks guard their caves and young, as well as patrol their borders.

Joviaks are a closed species available only through mystery eggs and breeding. Custom Joviaks can only be obtained through breeding. This species model is based loosely on breedable/growing adoptable shop formats that I enjoyed so much in my youth.


When I post an egg for sale, the finished design is completed and already uploaded to the characters profile as a hidden image. When you make a purchase of an egg, you can go to the character images and see/unhide it to "hatch" it. Eggs are semi translucent and you can see hints of colours and patterns that appear on the adult form. 

  • Designs cannot be changed, but additions such as scars, injuries, tattoos, clothes, and accessories may all be added.
  • You may use your Joviak in any way you wish as a character, a fursona, etc, but you cannot alter it's base design. 
  • You can trade, gift, and resell Joviaks. There is no price cap.
  • Standard lineart is linked here for breeding purposes. Outside of breeding, you CANNOT make your own Joviak.
  • You can draw your Joviak and collect as much art as you would like, though, again, the basic design should not be changed.

  • Each pair of Joviak can breed once. IE, if you own two Joviak, you can get one litter from them, but if you get a third, both of the first two can each have one litter with the third as well. 
  • You CAN breed with a Joviak owned by someone else, but only a "lineage" type breeding, NOT a MYO slot breeding.
  • A bred Joviaks parents MUST be named and linked in their profile. A bred Joviaks offspring MUST be named and linked on their profile. 
  • When you decide you want to breed your Joviaks, you have two options. You can either get TWO lineage style eggs, which should be a rough mix of both parents, at your discretion, or ONE myo character. You can breed Joviaks yourself by either using my premade lineart or making your own and designing them yourself, or you can request I design both offspring for $15. If you choose to make one full custom, you do not need to base the offspring on the parents in any way and can design the Joviak any way you want, with no lineart alterations outside of the provided standard bases.
  • Gender does not matter to Joviaks who do not have sexual dimorphism; any two Joviaks can breed regardless of gender identity. However, two related Joviaks can not breed.
  • You are fully permitted to sell your bred Joviaks, as mystery eggs or as adults. Anyone can do this, even if they have only gained a Joviak through a trade or gift. There is no price cap on this, but $15 is the recommended standard.
  • You may commission someone to design your bred Joviaks of either kind if you wish. There is no price cap on this.

Final Notes:

With this model, I do genuinely hope that you can make your money back or profit off of your Joviaks by breeding them and designing your own clutches! I hope that it can be a species that encourages artistic creativity for people to feel excited to create their own offspring, or to commission other artists to do it for them, thus encouraging a healthy little ecosystem where both owners of Joviaks can make back any money they have spent on them, while also potentially encouraging a commission market for new designs. I have priced them, I hope very reasonably, at a standard of $15, hopefully to keep them from feeling overly or pretentiously exclusive, but enough so to remain fun. 

closed species myo dragon cs cat lion anthro tlk open species Snyail furry night fury kintaur slot wolf canine shark puddi adoptable fursona non species fox pokemon unicorn NFT dog the lion king feral rare ST design avian bunny light fury Ota bull terrier cute OS Furry rabbit kaishark For offer very unlikely to trade seahorse one-off protogen demon owl gacha adoptable umbreon adopt Kintaur nft bird lioness oc kitvoren Closed Species Cs Jolleraptor Up for trade Jollieraptor turquoise Sloth magical girl 90s tamagotchi virtual pet Puddi Grii owgel sabertooth blue Feral Caracal sleipfear purple Poochyena sonic Ice dregurr allosaurus homestuck Avali animal crossing villager endobird Free Hoodjinx bearded vulture esk orchid mantis paladin mochiri cccat elk clown open jester clown eevee bipedal mapleshade Fortune Pups Jollyraptor Ufo Jollie raptor sharkgirl For-Sale gatordog pixels kidcore scenecore fursuit Al stars Familiar barn owl one off Pokemon Joviak Angel ebaqui snyail manokit vimbell chibi Cat endobirds Snailtail transformers mantis grabuki ratfolk fluffy shrimp skire arpg eve eevee pkmn toh skyscraper rune Tent Jolle raptor mantashark Folivora mascot digital 00s webcore Charr Bi roo Kangaroo Fursona animal green Fusion Snow sharkdog varxie wendigoat Cliffclingers trickertreatzie sona Feline Christmas Maskimps tea beetle pink invertibrute dnd spinotaur mochiriworks deer fields of valhalla adoption OTA flat price the owl house warriors Lokidragon Up for offers Jolly raptor mosquito oneoff Flower nostalgia fairy kei toy PixiPets Closed species Snail Baby snyail saber yellow Anthro Diety lilith orange Buizel wyvern fauyong custom fantroll halloween afearian animal crossing Tbn Raffle Homemade pink lemonade insectoplants insect pathfinder mochiri works maple rukaan normal type UFO jester eevee sergal warrior cats