Ponderosa-Pines's Bulletins

Do you have a crush on anybody?

no and never will

What's your favourite candy?

gummy worm

Favourite love song?

i only listen to video game soundtracks, so nope

What was your first kiss like?


What was your last kiss like?


Sexual/romantic orientation?

aroace, as previously mentioned

Do you prefer poems or love letters?

no no no no no

Favourite fanfic trope?

not using pre existing characters, just the world

that probably wasn't what that question meant was it

Have you ever been in love?

ha no. i am immune

Favourite flower?



Favourite perfume/cologne?

people have favourites of these?

Favourite candle scent?

anything that doesn't smell bad

What's your ideal first date?

one that doesn't happen

Favourite love story?

i don't read those

What's the most attractive thing a person could wear?

clothes? because if you aren't wearing any i will be running the opposite direction

Chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?


Snow, rain, or sun?


Sweetest romantic memory?


Favourite dating sim, and favourite character?

people play those?

What's your dream wedding like?

one that doesn't happen, but if it is someone else getting married one where i get to eat a lot of cake

What makes you blush?


Do you believe in love at first sight?

i am not qualified for this

Do you believe in soulmates?

i barely know what those are but maybe

Denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets?

none of those are very practical

also what's a bomber jacket

What's your sign?

the goat one i think

Are you single?

take a guess

Do you prefer to charm or be charmed?


Guitar or piano?

piano = botw = yes

Favourite romcom or romantic movie?

no thank you

Valentine's decorations, yay or nay?

as long as it isn't up months in advance

also it's way too commercialised

Would you prefer to propose or be proposed to?


Cloudgazing or stargazing?

stars if you're somewhere you can actually see them, clouds if anywhere else

Do you like to dance?

no unless you can count becoming spaghetti as dancing

What's your OTP?

i don't really ship things

Kittens or puppies?

although i like cats and dogs equally, puppies are better than kittens because kittens look weird

Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?

i only like hot chocolate

Favourite soda?

mm bubble juice

i don't know

Do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?


Favourite ABBA song?

video game



Favourite pajamas?

all my pajamas are identical

i get the shirts mixed up all the time

Do you think about love a lot?


A walk in the park or a walk on the beach?

i do not like sand

Hand kisses or nose kisses?

hershey kisses

What's your dream house?

someplace cold

i don't really know other than that

I too have buzzly

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

about the bugs from yesterday!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

My parents agreed to let me have them!! We're getting the container on Tuesday, and since they're very common where I live I'll probably just take some off of the ground. I'd like to show some pictures once we have it all set up!

has anyone ever had a pet bug

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

I kind of want to keep some woodlice (roly polies) but I have no experience with keeping anything that is alive. Has anyone ever had some experience or at least know where to go for information? 

Unrelated, but I would also like to start writing some stuff for some of my characters so if you are  interested in that please let me know!

for me it usually happens when I'm being given medical information or when I'm worried about someone else being unwell (most recently it happened because I thought my sister was either going to throw up or faint, in the end she was fine and I ended up fainting instead)

edit: corrected capitalization inconsistency

not a character but

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

floating_by_ponderosa_pines_devuxoq-fulli am very proud of this :'0


Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

i just did the thgrp sign-ups two hours ago-ish

i am going to disintegrate


Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

choose one

0 Votes dinraal
1 Votes naydra
1 Votes farosh
4 Votes what on earth are you talking about

big long sky noodle

edit: i feel like i need to clarify some things


naydra: e40fc317106938289cce94125c656b681b5acf69





Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines


i don't really have any good editing stuff or the ability to record non-mobile games, but i can do art :0


Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

i realised i'm asexual a few days ago so that's cool 

have a watermelon
