Ponderosa-Pines's Bulletins

i would really like to learn how but i cannot for the life of me figure them out

any help would be greatly appreciated <3

also for the username change- i'll probably do it tomorrow before school, so be warned

possible username change

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

yes or no?

3 Votes yes, change it
0 Votes no, don't change it

I kind of want to change my username, but I'm not sure if I should.

 It would probably be quite confusing, as I'm not planning on changing my actual nickname or anything or getting a new mascot, and it doesn't really match with either. Also any links to here or references to this username would be broken although they probably don't exist so I guess that's good.

so now I don't know what to do

It definitely wouldn't be permanent, and I would change it back around mid-November when I randomly decide that it is winter 

any thoughts? 


Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines


9 Votes i'd be okay with that
0 Votes please don't fill my inbox with stuff

would it be okay if i posted regular bulletins about video games because i like them a lot

warning- blood


September Design Challenge Day 1

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

Some of you may remember this from here- https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/433155.possible-september-design-challenge-

Anyway today's prompt is- 'a character who lives in the clouds'

I'm probably going to be the only one doing this aren't I

Doing icon commissions for 75% off!!

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

Which is superior?

6 Votes Potato
0 Votes Sweet potato

Now only 50 points- looks like this


Also please answer the poll if you'd like! It doesn't really mean anything but I am interested to know :)


Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Pine Ponderosa-Pines

In character!

If you don't like the design or don't want to spend points on it perhaps consider spreading it around? I'm very proud of it and I hope it does decently well :'0

How should I sell this adopt?

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines

Also what price would you recommend? I'm very proud of it but it's much too complicated for me to draw consistently.


Possible September design challenge?

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Ponderosa-Pines


0 Votes No thank you
7 Votes Yes please

I would quite like to get better at designing so I was wondering if anyone else would be interested as well?

It would basically just be a prompt per day through the entirety of September

not much more than that