

Acanthus 33257904_VRNYSscjqMYDFmQ.png

A mix of snow and ice in the north, and lush green forests in the south. The Aurora Borealis Coalition rules most of the northern continent, allied with the different races of the Elegians in the east. Elves and fae of varying types live here, as well as winter-acclimated peoples from all over the world. In Velaris, there are many void and night beings.

Northern Continent Aurora Borealis Coalition Home of Elves & Fae

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Home of the Arcadian Empire, which is made up of several city-states and represented equally throughout the continent. Each city-state specializes in some form of knowledge, magic, or good that benefits the whole of the Empire. The Parliament is made up of representatives who wish to serve the greater good of Amestris as a whole. Many people travel to the city-state of Astrea, which boasts the best and most variety of magic schools in the world.

Western Continent Seat of Arcadian Empire City-States

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A lush continent with a temperate climate, and even more tempermental people. As part of the Empire, many of its northern peoples are wealthy and produce many goods found across the world. The southern half of the continent is tropical verging on sandy deserts, and is made up of the Sidonian Kingdom. Many refugees from Gordaina in Acanthus and many from Damaris wind up on the shores of both regions, looking for a new chance in life.

Central Continent Arcadian Influence Refugee Hub

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Several regions make up Genova, and all differ quite a bit. The Golden Coast in the south is ruled by commerce and coin; the northeast is plagued with rains and foggy weather, but piled high with industrial cityscapes and underground hovels; the west is Agharian lands, where beastlike people thrive in the comfort of their lush fields and forests.

Eastern Continent Dhampir Conclave Wealthy Trade Cities

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The southernmost continent is met with savannahs and arid weather, patches of tropics and jungles, and a deep permafrost the furthest south one can go. Several of its nations have been plagued by corrupted daemons, whilst the people are untrusting of any aid from the Arcadian Empire. Instead, there are efforts by the remaining regions to form the Southern Sands Federation, to try and free the corrupted regions and rebuild them.

Southern Continent Daemonic Corruption Untouched by Empire

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The Pallasian Islands are made up of several large isles, each pertaining to a field of study under the Arc of the Citadel. The most famous island is called Magica Biblioteca, and houses the world's oldest library. The other islands specialize in archaeology, anthropology, and other sciences related to uncovering ancient artifacts and texts.

Island Nation Magical Library Ancient Artifacts

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