Justice in Unity

Characters from the RPG Maker project(s), Justice in Unity/:Redux.

. . . Can you hear me? I can't see anything . . . I want to wake up. Please . . . Somebody, wake me up.

Justice in Unity: Redux is the resurrection of an older project, called simply Justice in Unity. Made in RPG Maker VX Ace, but less of an RPG and more of an interactive story with some sleuthing to be done, JiU:Re stars French-American Det. Elliot Mortensen, a man plagued by his own inner demons (which can be in/directly controlled by the player) and an overwhelming fear of the dark. As the story unfolds, the player watches as their choices either make or break Elliot's relationships, friendships, and sanity.

Despite being made in VX Ace, JiU:Re features a lot of resources from RPG Maker XP, including pieces of tilesets and edits of sprites made by Sithjester and Mack, among others. The game also features various scripts, such as ones by MOG, Khas, and Yanfly, including a few somewhat-heavily modified with custom traits. Mainly, the story is progressed by completing cases, of which there will be many. All this said, JiU:Re has no combat nor leveling/equipment systems, as such things would take away from the game's emphasis on storytelling rather than traditional RPG-style gameplay.

Justice in Unity: Redux:
itch.io: https://quasi-detective.itch.io/justice-in-unity-redux
GameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/justice-in-unity/65971
IndieDB: https://www.indiedb.com/games/justice-in-unity
IMDB:  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9065568/

Memento Mori: 200 Years of Regret (sub-story):
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6517219

white male american right-handed heterosexual heteroromantic voiced left-handed female neutral good realist chaotic neutral ambidextrous dday aromantic asexual true neutral france lawful good french