Green Glass is a story set in a post-post apocalyptic world of oceans and islands.

The story follows the pilots of huge underwater mechs called Nymphs as they reckon with their role in the world. There are 12 Nymphs, each being named after a zodiac star sign, and 24 pilots, as each nymph requires two pilots to function. These pairs are referred to as partners, and involve one person in a black suit who takes on the physical burden of the nymphs and one in a white suit who takes on the mental burden.

Burden of what exactly? of protecting the world from sea monsters, of course. Can the pilots elaborate on that? absolutely not, while in the cockpit of the nymph everything becomes a blur. Its dangerous though, rarely do pilots live past the first three years. Coupled with the fact that all pilots are selected quite young and you have the perfect storm.

Green Glass follows Quinn, the new pilot of the Pisces Nymph, along with their partner sawyer and the rest of the water signs who they work closely with. Quinn's predeccesor, Anne, had a particularly grusome and disasterous death, a crash which left two other pilots gravely injured and yet her partner, Laney, unscathed. Now, they have to slowly put the pieces together, while reckoning with their own imminent death.

or, a story about a fail girl failing often.