✎Magical Mishaps

In 32998299_lQcJqNzT4fiDonK.png?1616754838a world much like our own—except for everyone being anthro animals—many adore fictional magical girls. The ever popular mascot Mu-mu is a perfect example of this, as wherever you turn, you're likely to run into merchandise or advertisements adorning her image.

Of course, magical girls are simply fiction, everybody knows that- But, what if you could actually become one for real...?

Magical Helpers

After the rise of smartphones in the early 2010's, a certain mysterious phone app slowly raised its head. Disguised as merely an app to reward you for real-life good deeds in the form of a fun little game, it turns out to be capable of giving its players magical powers: generally enhanced physical capabilities, such as jumping, speed and brute force; and a magical weapon and outfit of your choice. The app calls such people "magical helpers", but amongst one another they often get referred to simply as magical girls, as it's a term everyone's familiar with— and what are they, really, if not real-life magical girls?


  • FEB. | ➂ Invite Alpha

    A strange smartphone app makes its rounds amongst the classmates of 5th grader Nona. Becoming 'Magical Helpers', they quickly learn that it's not quite what it seems.


  • SEP. | ➁ Closed Beta

    Prior to the events of Live Release, a certain girl got their first taste of being a Magical Helper, and what that entails when that power is entrusted to the wrong people. How many will be left standing?


  • MAR. | Day One

    Open release of the Magical Helper app.
  • MAY. | ➀ Live Release

    A story of six Magical Helpers, focused on Unna and Riah.



  • DEC. | Doyle Introduction

    On New Year's Eve, all Magical Helpers receive an in-game gift, in the form of a Doyle: A Cutesy creature, almost like a pet, with the purpose of assisting the magical girl they're assigned to.


  • APR. | ➃ Doyle Update

    Magical Helpers are invited to a certain city in order to participate in a special event, to mark the closure of the app. Attendance is mandatory, and even with their Doyle partners helping them, the event turns out to be a little bit unfair...
  • MAY. | Server Closure

    The Magical Helper app closes down, setting the remaining Magical Helpers free.



  • MAY. | New Magicals

    The former Magical Helpers have returned to their normal lives. However, a new group of Magicals has come about, and they're called into the same city as the Magical Helpers were just two years prior.
  • SEP. | ➄ Malady Reload

    In the months since arriving in the city, several factions have formed between the new Magicals. Their instructions are simple: "Find the door." Unable to leave, and with many not agreeing with following the orders they've been given by whoever orchestrated this, infighting is only inevitable.

I'm currently in the process of reorganising here, I wanted them to be sorted more based on amount of use rather than their stories.
Some of the characters still have links to folders that either don't exist or have been renamed/repurposed, I'll replace those with tags soon!