RU-HX's Bulletins

Got a small pop-up art shop going on Flight Rising until I go to Germany for NYE on the 30th December.  

Note: Journal will be deleted when shop is closed.

I'm doing sketch busts in the sample below with typical same day turnaround or 2-3 days at most. Only accepting flight rising currency and items at this time, if you have an account on the site and you're interested, my commission thread is here. Slots unlimited until shop closes but will be working in 3 slot batches, I put out these examples in a single evening (approx. 4-5 hour time).


Depending on popularity of slots, I might reopen in the few days I'm home before I fly back to uni to finish phase 3 semester. I do not know how soon next sea posting will be once I'm done with this semester since I may need to stay later to do some tanker specific short courses I'm missing due to admin error (I should of done these in phase 1 along with my other tanker qualifications) to enable me to have a true unlimited Officer of the Watch ticket so I may have the shop open for a bit. Hopefully, by that time I should have something worked out that will allow me to accept USD payment as well.

Current Plot List (as of July 2022)

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by RU-HX

I've been getting serious with turning OC plots into full written novel projects as helps keep me entertained when I'm at sea where I don't always have wifi and I'm out of range of mobile data for weeks at a time so below is a list of current plots I am working on. My niche is 95% historical fiction with about 3 plots (not yet developed) considered "out of niche" but historical inspired, these are Dieselpunk (20's—40's inspired), Sailpunk (1800's inspired) and one 60's—80's vibing thing idk if it falls into a genre set in underwater biomes. Right now I'm writing for 3 main historical niches; WW2, WW1 and Ancient Rome (but I'm likely pick up more eras later). There's also tall ship stories as a general interest but doesn't fall into a set historical niche as I'm varying from early 1800's to early Victorian England.

All plots below are in various stages of planning to outlining with Green Wings at Noon being one I am actively (zero) drafting, its taken slightly longer to get up to a writeable stage since I used it as a base to figure out best ways to approach longer projects. Within my main 4 niche interests, I tend to work in sets of 3's so I do expect there to eventually be 1 more WW1 era story and 2 more stories set on tall ships; 1 idea I am currently picking at but don't have a solid premise yet.


Green Wings at Noon - 2 freshly qualified Spitfire pilots facing a rocky start to their careers must figure out how to survive against the wrath of the Luftwaffe armed only with outdated tactics and spite.

Corkscrew Port! - How do you face a fire in flight is a question no one wants to figure out the answer to. But for one Lancaster bomber crew in summer of 1943 it becomes too real, where on top of that they must survive anti-flak defenses, swarms of night fighters and limp home in a barely airworthy aircraft.

The Day the Sky Rained Fire - Set during the 2nd Great Fire of London, a group of fresh from training firefighters too young to fight in France but old enough to be considered cowards at home must survive the air raids and dangers of navigating partially collapsed buildings with unexploded munitions lurking within.


Both plots flick between English and German POV's with a predominantly English lens because I am interested to write how POV of the enemy contrasts to the English experience but I don't feel comfortable handling Nazi Germany content.

Blood On Our Hands - Inexperienced German soldiers must defend against an English attack. During the assault they manage to capture one of the English officers and the English capture one of theirs; from there both sides mount daring and dangerous raids to rescue their commanders. 

Depth Charge! // Wasserbombe! - In 1916 a German submarine crew must get the u-boat in a vulnerable position to make a kill shot on an important target whilst the warship must escape to safety. Whilst one crew learns to work together the other falls apart sabotaged from the inside by it’s own leadership. 


South of 60° - In 1844 a rescue crew head south to retrieve any survivors of a failed Antarctic mission whilst the survivors themselves become increasingly desperate fighting to the last man standing. Can the rescue crew, hampered by weather and rigging failures get to them in time?


Legio: Battle of 3 Eagles - A survivor of the 9AD Teutoburg Forest ambush rejoins another legion looking for a second chance to reclaim the lost standards and avenge his fallen comrades realises the real enemy is already inside the gates.

Invictus - A Greek and Gaul gladiator pair hold a regular grudge match popular with the crowds, when they are becoming friends they are pitted against each other in a fight to the death. If they survive that, a much bigger opponent awaits.

Domus Lupi - A high ranking member of the Praetorian Guard is clued in he’s about to be incarcerated in a murder plot gone wrong and must prove his innocence.

Uni all confirmed and enrolled and I have been at the college for a month already. Free time is really low and sometimes I have to spend it reviewing notes and lectures and I haven’t figured how to balance uni work with creative work.
That said I’m starting to pick at stuff again and generating ideas as I’m getting used to being back in full time education but I def don’t have time commit to larger peices right now. It’s challenging but I am enjoying it.

Exact course I’m studying is Maritime and Shipping Operations which gives me an OOW Unlimited tickets meaning I can work as navigation officer on any size vessel. I don’t know what ships I’ll get on my sea phase but I have chance of tankers, reefers, ferries, cruise ships and super yachts. I’m keeping fingers crossed for tankers and reefers since I’ve already spent past 4/5 years working on cruise ships and I wanna try other sectors in merchant navy.

If anyone would like to talk or hang out please DM me and I will give you my discord name. I’m down for casual or discussing OC’s and shared interests. Server recs also appreciated, tho focus is almost purely on historical these days so preferably servers that will be okay with that. I’m more comfortable ha ging out with over 18’s so may be iffy if you don’t have your age or something along the lines of 18+ on your bio.

Primary creative focus: Developing plots into something actually writeable. I got a slightly cackhanded system down for that but it should make it much easier for me to sit down and commit to long projects. Old method of rotating plots weekly/monthly is no longer viable because of that so I will be focusing on 1-2 main plot at a time from hereon out. I will still be drawing for other plots and writing unresearched drabbles when I wanna but I cannot write novel size stories using the monthly rotation system I previously had. 

I would like to release these stories with illustrated chapters. I have done a style test for those recently but need to repeat the test on my iPad too. Illustrations would look something like this:
Image of Jasper and William, OC's for my WW1 story. Art was done for a prompt event around WW1 OC's in a server I'm in.


I do have future pipeline ideas involving animatics/odd animations for when those stories are written and light comic work but ye. That's a future thing once I've done a much needed skill glow-up. I'm developing these stories as SFW (though will still likely be rated mature to heavy themes) and but do have plans to release a SFW and NSFW version so folks can choose if they read the clean take or the take with smut on the side.

Primary project: WW2 story. I have plenty of research to pull off this story as a novel and enough outlined it's reasonable to aim for 50,000 words for the Spitfire part of the story alone. 100,000 words for the entire story following Hendrix and Beck through the entire war is total goal. Still need to tidy odd research notes so they're more coherent, I'm starting to outline the Lancaster part of the story.

Secondary project: WW1 story. Whilst I'm not quiet ready to get the scenes into an actual writeable outline I do have enough research done and I write enough 1917 fanfic with more planned it's actually worth me having this project as a secondary regardless. If there's interest, my Ao3 (where I'll also post original works alongside TH) is here.

Other plans: Stories I'm still feeling out vibes and tone for and figuring out what I want to write about.

  1. Age of Sail: follows Naval officers Francis, Owen & Archie through 1804. Potential to become a small series. This one's set to become next writeable project I'm intending to focus on once I've written the first half of the WW2 story.
  2. Sci-Fi/Historical: Follows WW1 Army soldiers getting thrown out of their timeline and into a starship in the the future. May have a whole thing with time agents subtly changing history. I don't really know what I want from this except exploring concept of people from past reacting to the future so this one is on deep back burner whilst I hash that out for now.
  3. Battle of Jutland: Follows naval officers through 1916 with heavy focus on Battle of the Jutland. Also has potential to become a small series.
  4. Dieselpunk: Loose idea around biplanes vs zeppelins. Dunno if gonna be WW1 alternate history or more inter-war, dunno how hard I'll go on the sci-fi part of Dieselpunk.
  5. Ancient Rome: Dunno what focus will be but I do wanna look into Ancient Rome sailing & ship warfare techniques for it. 

Future Pipeline (ideas waiting to be greenlit, may end up merged or played as AU's of existing ideas): 

  • Georgian era sailpunk thing
  • Sci-horror involving a recent cargo shipment 
  • WW1 round 3 but with different characters & focusing on enemies being forced to work together

Burnout/hiatus notice: I haven't been doing much in terms of art due to 2 year burnout caused by irl reasons.
Some of it is admittedly on me for unhealthy time blocking and pushing too hard to make most of leave whilst the rest is due to ongoing irl stress. I should be enrolling into uni for real this September as long as I don't get hit with another admin error on intake dates/getting pushed back to Covid uncertainties again so it may take me a while to settle into a revised system that'll help me to avoid creative burnout in the future. I do have sketches and some finished stuff I'd like to share but I'm looking to build a backlog for a buffer before I post again.

But once I get a better suited system set up I should be able to go back to being semi-regular. At east until I hit my first sea phase. I have been getting back into things with odd sketches but I need to learn to draw on my iPad and I'm gonna pick up graphite drawing again too. Learning curve does have potential to slow me down a little. I'm gonna use those WIP sketches done digital to help make it easier to learn up Procreate (though any tips/pointers/brush recs are very welcome! I'm most interested in recreating my pencil liner brush & primary shading brush from Sai but dunno how doable that is. Or at least getting something close to it.

Main art focus: Learning backgrounds, how to do cinematic colour, learning to tell a story with posing. All things I'll need to get down for illustrating these projects & future pipeline projects. Naturally will be doing more work on anatomy, poses & other problem areas that I can handle with an all round art glow-up.

Long story sort, I hit burnout real bad related to irl stresses and kinda dropped off the grid. The sort of burnout where you just eat and sleep and that's it. Where you find yourself missing OC's and being creative—writing and drawing and developing characters/their dynamics and the like but you don't even have the energy to consider doing anything with it even when you have a day of doing nothing. Even got to a point where I stopped being active on Discord for a while because I just didn't have the energy to keep up with it. The good news is I passed what I needed to, I'm free of math hell. I now have correct uni start dates with a good sponsor so I can train for my dream career as navigation officer and I'm working through the back end of burnout. It means I can finally make that sweet switch from dealing with Super Karens almost daily whilst working a dead-end job from cruise ships to a long term dream career in general cargo. I do appreciate the travel experience and the foot in the door to the merchant navy cruise ships gave me though I'm looking forward to move onto something more challenging.

Creative projects update: 

Burnout is starting to ease off now I have dates to work with (September this year) and things are moving in the right direction—it's helping motivate me to get back on track with creative projects. I won't say I'm still drawing because whilst this was all going on I just shut down and stopped doing anything vaguely creative even though I wanted to and ideas were there, I just didn't have the energy to execute them. It takes a lot of stress for me to hit that point, I've been there exactly three times in my life. But I'm gonna ease back into art and OC's soon with a proper strategy to get shit done in a way that's realistic to the speed I work at and the spoons I have on any given day set aside for drawing. Whilst I haven't been doing anything I have re-assessed my current ability as well as what I want out of art and figured out how to get the most out of practice in order to achieve my goals. I still want to work on OC based art, I just want to get better with poses, colour/lighting and having my characters interact with each other/a scene as well as getting better at conveying a character's personality via art. I don't think I want to take on a webtoon, especially with my career plan but I am def interested in small 1-3 page comics exploring character dynamics for those ideas that'd work better in film format. I also need to learn how to draw on the iPad since I picked one up so I can still draw when on a work rotation a while back but first I gotta figure out how to recreate my Sai brush set in procreate because idk how procreate brushes work.

My main ease back into things project right now is getting my research, character bios and character dynamic notes and plot dev tidied condensed and into an offline source for easy access. I've also been slowly picking at plot outlines generally, getting a proper sequence of events tied down to help push along character development and odd ideas around specific points in a story I can't stop thinking about. I find I'm much more motivated to write when I'm on a ship and have a break or during free time in the evening but ship internet is flakey af. Sometimes I have an idea but I need to cross check research to make it work but I can't connect to Drive to pull up a research file because I got put in time out for hitting a bandwith limit that's not listed in the terms and conditions. 

I have my WW1 and WW2 plots just about researched it's just a case of tidying things to input into a notebook. There's 1 item on my WW2 research I haven't done (German flak defenses) and 2 on my WW1 plot (casualty evacuation chains & artillery barrages and signals) I need to pick at but I'm not expecting either of those points to take long to do. It means I can start researching for my Age of Sail plot more actively very soon—as soon as I get those research notes tidy which in theory shouldn't take me more than a month or 2. 

My Age of Sail plot took a slight fantasy turn into a general Georgian era possible sailpunk worldbuild with some Treasure Planet influence. I'm still not sure if I want this to be fully canon or if it's just a creative exercise to get ideas in the fully historical timeline moving (it's a very fun concept to play with so if it doesn't become canon I may still keep it as an AU) but right now I'm still keeping things largely rooted in history. Lately I've been thinking about picking up a story based around the Battle of the Jutland in WW1. It's been a background interest of mine for a while (honestly speaking anything with ships in is) but I haven't acted on it because I wanted to get research for current historical projects to a decent level, including my Age of Sail plot before taking on another historical project. Also I don't have any character ideas spare for that plot right now, no thoughts head empty so it's sitting on the backburner waiting for me to do something with it. But I'm one of those very visual people where need to see the characters as a drawing in front of me to get a rough plot going which tbh is why I started drawing in the first place. A smaller side project of mine is I have enough brainrot for the movie 1917 that I've been writing fanfics for it (my Ao3 user is RUHX) and I do have some long fics in mind but I need my general WW1 research tidied so I can use it for fic writing purposes. 

I'm not sure what to do with my science fiction plot though. It either needs a rethink or I need to accept that dumping WW1 era characters in that setting is what made it work and run with it or I retire that plot and it's characters/concepts as an elaborate AU I play with from time to time because I can't make myself care about it unless I dump my WW1 era characters in that story arc. Characters thrown out of their original time period is a fascinating concept to me and it's really fun to work with but it was never intended to be the main driving factor of that story even though I did have this be canon for a while. Yet if I leave it as the plot was originally intended, without the element of historical characters misplaced from their original timeline by Fake Science[tm] it tends to feel like a large part of the story is missing. Regardless of what I do with it, I'm looking to keep the general concept of surveying deep space because I do enjoy the survival and exploration elements of sci-fi and it's another idea that's fascinated me for the longest time that I've always wanted to do something with. 

I have considered keeping the sci-fi plot as a story but making a few new WW1 era characters who exist just to be dumped in that arc—I think half the trouble is Jasper and William got dumped in the sci-fi plot a lot when I first wanted to play with the historical characters in a sci-fi future concept but also they were already established as WW1 era OC's and I'm finding lately I'm preferring to keep it that way. Or at least keep their involvement in that plot an AU. Downside to that fix is I've got no ideas for new OC's right now and I highkey want to avoid adopting designs to fill gaps. 

For the sci-fi idea at least I've gotta do a few brain dump sessions to see if I can save it as an independent story arc or if I retire it to AU status and do something else within the genre for a main story. Though I find it hard making new plots because making new OC's is a quarterly (event if that) so we'll see how things go. Everything else is moving along nicely and honestly speaking ahead of time even with burnout holding me up.

Twitter: I left DA for Twitter and can be found there at @RUHX_art, long story short I'm one of the people DA's new layout triggers migraines for. Which is interesting because I'm not prone to them and have had exactly 2 migraines my whole life. Twitter's gonna be for OC stuff, odd posts about research progress and occasional ship stuff from uni and sea phases. I'm intending to post both post sketches and WIP's there as well as finished stuff. I'm still learning how to use twitter so bare with me! 

Semi-hiatus notice: I've been inactive for a little bit because irl got stressful for a hot min with that anxiety where your brain can't focus enough to draw anything. Haven't even been able to enjoy headcanons or daydreaming about my OC's (my usual go-to to de-stress and work through emotions) - no thoughts head empty. I'm putting up a semi-hiatus notice just in case because whilst I'm not expecting my activity to drop any more than it already has (in fact I'm actually expecting things to pick up again once I settle into uni) I'm not sure how much free time I will have. I'm gonna start training for my dream career studying nautical science in a few day's time, It's exciting but also nerve wracking as hell because I'm finally moving away from cruise ships and into general cargo and possibly survey ships. Getting stuff in place for that is half of what's been causing the stress though through no fault of the company sponsoring me. Tomorrow I'm moving half way up the country and I've been out of full time education for 8 years so it's gonna be weird going back into it. 

Research progress: In that time I got a load of research for historical plots done - got hold of a load of battalion war diaries for my WW1 OC's and operational record books for the squadrons I'm basing my RAF OC's fictional squadrons on thanks to the nationalarchives having free downloads of digitalised documents over lockdown so I can go for accurate movement/timings. I made good start on WW1 general research and got the full war diaries transcribed from 1914 through to 1919, I also got a large chunk of WW2 general research done that over Christmas break I'm looking at picking up my Age of Sail story again and beginning research for that plot.

Discord server search: Now I've been on Discord for a while I'm ready to find some more servers. I love the servers I'm in already I'm ready to meet some new people (though bare in mind I may lurk over the next week before engaging). 18+ servers very strongly preferred however NSFW channels are not a requirement. I'm mainly interested in OC/art sharing servers, ideally folks in the servers should be cool with historical characters because right now 90% of the content I produce is historical OC related. If there's any servers geared towards history research and the world wars or even the Age of Sail period I'd love to know. Main fandoms are 1917 and Dunkirk though I'm already in the main servers for both of those. 

I'm flying out to my Christmas contract tomorrow so it's time to throw up a hiatus notice. I finish on the 10th Jan but I'm expecting a night flight home due to the location I'm flying home from. As usual I will need a week or so to get back into the swing of things.

Also still looking for OC groups (particularly those favoring historical OC's), I haven't used Discord at work yet so idk how usable it'll be on shitty sattalite wifi. I'd strongly prefer an 18+ userbase. I enjoy the servers I've come across so far but I'm looking for a few more! 

Also friendly reminder I have my own 18+ server for historical OC's, info here.

I did a 2019 overview this year, since I work away so many months of the year some months are doubled up. Top left: first drawing of the year, bottom right 2 drawings are how my style currently looks. 


And below is my current WIP! I was hoping to have it finished (or close to it) by now but joys of an aforementioned dental issue causing extreme tiredness /sighs. I'm using it to practice consistency with my current technique and it's gonna be an OC overview/TH icon update.

Row 1: Sci-Fi OC's. Pictured: Raven, Lucian (golden oldies, been about since 2006-7), Oscar and Werner

Row 2: WW2 OC's. Pictured: Hendrix (sona) & Beck (a personal fave). Lines I'd started on were for Max.

Row 3: WW1 OC's in their intended setting. These boys get dumped into my sci-fi plot in canon but I also like to write them in their intended time period (1914-1916). Pictured: Jasper (secondary/vent sona) and William. 

Row 4: Age of Sail OC's. Pictured: Francis (personal fave) & Owen (problematic fave but I love him anyway).


Main goals for next year:

  • Continue working on problem areas (anatomy - specifically hands and clothing folds). 
  • Work on rotating stuff. Visualizing things from different angles is still something I find tough though I'm still building on my visual library.
  • Make a habit of doing 12 sets of gestures a day, aim is to figure out body movements & using gestures to help diversify my poses.
  • Draw my OC's acting/doing things and interacting with their environments (I still defaulted to standing around poses to test stuff out and practice workflows and ended up stuck with poses/feeling frustrated and like my art's lacking because of it).
  • Continue to work on trying to figure out colour. Started on this a bit but it's still too easy to stick to plain White Void lighting rather than challenge myself with mood/cinematic lighting. It also notices idk what I'm doing, oof.
  • Continue to refine style & practice consistency. Was supposed to be this year's goal but I kept feeling frustrated with how my style looked, like something about it was off. It needed a lot of experimenting to get to where I wanted to be.
Other projects for 2020: 
  • Research: Get in-depth research for all plots done to a decent standard. I'm at an annoying impasse where I can't do more than off-duty interactions without having to do a load of research first. Ideally, I'd like to have all of these done before I start uni but it's probably going to be more realistic to get a few plots decently researched. Current project is my WW2 plot.
  • Plot Development: I wanna get a guide with breakdowns of scenes I consider canon down. I don't want something too restrictive but because I try to keep stuff in my head I keep repeating ideas and forgetting what I have/haven't worked on.
  • Character Development: Nearly there! Some OC's need to be updated to fit current canon and 4 are on WIP bios. I've also got 3 that still need a face.
  • Character Dynamics: Something I'm starting to consider more in-depth. I know who gets on with who and how the dynamics work "at present" of any given plot but my plots span over a period of 3-5 years and people's relationships develop/shift over time. I've got a few dynamics worked out, just need to sit down and work on everyone else.
  • Worldbuilding (Sci-Fi plot): A lot of it's already done but it does need to be retconned to fit current canon. I also need to work on typing it up to a clearer format.
  • Fics: It's gonna take me a while to tidy up & expand on writing I have done. In the mean time I'm planning on making master files on Toyhouse for each of my plots and uploading the original vignettes/headcanons that I used to get the ideas down.

About the Inactivity + New Year comm slots

Posted 4 years, 5 months ago by RU-HX

Since September I've been feeling run down and shitty in a way that's had me struggling to concentrate thanks to career related stress and an ongoing dental issue. Turns out an abscessed tooth was what was making me feel so shitty and excessively tired. Both issues are dealt with or starting to be dealt with.

In regards to the dental issue I need the abscess to clear up before the necessary work can be done. I've been given antibiotics for it which do feel like they are starting to work - I am starting to feel like I have more energy. They did make me feel worse for a bit, just when I thought I couldn't feel any more tired and shitty than I was. At one point I was going to bed at 4pm and sleeping straight through for 12-15 hours. After a week of being too tired to do anything but work through Jedi: Fallen Order let's plays (Cal is a fantastic lead and I hope there's a novel tie-in), yesterday I managed to get a tiny bit of research and plot development for my WW2 story done. It was a relief and a good sign I'm finally starting to get better.

For the career stress that's been distracting me, I can now say I have a conditional offer with an amazing sponsor I'm really lucky and grateful to have. It'll allow me to start training for my dream job as navigation officer in September 2020. Honestly? It feels like I finally got my Hogwarts letter.

It's pretty fucking hilarious that for someone who swore they were never going to uni I need to go to uni to get the ticket I need to qualify as navigation officer. Also one of the more vivid childhood memories I have of school is where I had bit of a tantrum stating I'd never use algebra at work because it was frustrating me and guess what? Ship stability math IS algebra. :'D

I'm currently working on updating all my TH icons for consistency's sake. Again. I also wanted a proper OC roster sheet because having a quick at a glance overview of everyone in one place is handy. It helps me decide who to draw or write. I started picking at this project around the time this all went to shit. With 20 busts it's a large project but because I have been struggling with concentration it's really dragged. I was hoping to have lines finished and be well into shading by now but I've only managed to line 6 and a half busts.

Real Currency Commissions.

I'm gonna open them properly next year. I come back from my Christmas contract on the 11th (that's assuming I have a night flight home) but I often need a few weeks to get back into the swing of things, I'll likely open the first batch of commission slots soon after that.

Right now my aim is just to earn back the cost of my dental appointments.

Depending on how commissions go I may open them up sporadically for a bit of extra pocket money.

I'm gonna be upfront: I haven't used discord for a while (long enough it took 30 mins to get past all the updates) so please bare with me, I'm still getting to grips with the program, I also haven't run my own server before so there likely will be teething problems. 

The aim of the server is to provide a chill environment for folks who enjoy creating historical OC's no matter what the time period is. Whilst the server is geared more to the OC side of things historical fiction including (alt history) can be discussed here too!

All skill levels are welcome here. As long as you're respectful to those in the server and the subject matters you deal with, we're good!
Furry/anthro art is allowed here as long as server rules are followed.
This server may be shared with those you feel may like it though they should contact me on any of my handles for an invite.

Disclaimer: This server deals with ideologically sensitive material pertaining to past conflict including WW1 and WW2. By asking to join the server you agree you are comfortable with being exposed to such content.

Server rules:

Please note rules may be added to as issues arise or amended for clarity.

1) No LGBT+ phobia. No Ace/Aro discourse. This is a LGBT+ friendly space. LGBT+ creators and content are welcome here.

2) No racial or homophobic slurs such as queer, trap or nigga. Whilst I understand there is a movement to reclaim these slurs please understand not everyone is comfortable with them, myself included.

3) Server is 18+ only. You MUST be comfortable with listing your age or stating you're 18+ or 20+ to gain access to the server.

4) NSFW is allowed but the parties involved MUST be over the age of 18. NSFW work must be kept into the appropriate channel.  
Art depicting BDSM (including acts related to pain play, leather, latex, bondage, temperature play and fisting) are allowed but should be posted to the kinky-nsfw channel. By requesting the kinky-nsfw category you are consenting that you agree to see this kind of content.
NSFW channels may be opted out of at any time, just ask and I'll change your categories.
Content depicting pedophilia, rape, incest, necrophilia, diapers/scat, watersport, vomit play, vore, inflation/fat fetish, stomp/snuff are not allowed within the server.

5) Content depicting violence/gore or sensitive/potentially triggering topics should be placed under a spoiler and warned for as appropriate.

6) No political (including Brexit) and/or religious discussion/debates. Likewise, this server is not a place to discuss Social Justice issues.

7) WW2 German OC's ARE allowed and welcome within the server but please understand that:
Actual fascists will be yeeted. This is not a space for you to promote far right politics. See rule 6.
Discourse over German OC's will not be tolerated, it should be a given their owner does not share their OC's political beliefs or indeed that the OC themselves may not agree to Nazi ideals.

8) No ship drama or discourse. If someone OTP's your NOTP, agree to disagree.

If you're cool with the rules a server link is here please introduce yourself in the intro channel! 

Edit: Figured out how to make a permanent link but if there's any problems with it please let me know and I'll give you a working link!

Historical OC discord servers?

Posted 4 years, 7 months ago by RU-HX

I realized I never posted this here too.  A couple of folks on other platforms have already offered me a server which I will be checking once Discord lets me log back in but I'm still interested to know if there's any more out there.

I'm looking for some folks to chat historical OC's with!

I work with WW2, WW1 and Age of Sail OC's so I'm looking for relevant servers.
General OC and sci-fi OC server suggestions are welcome and appreciated though it's easier finding servers for those.
NSFW channels are nice but not a requirement, whilst I do work with NSFW from time to time because it can give an extra layer of development to a pair of character's dynamic, I don't do a whole lot of it.
18+ channels strongly preferred. FYI I'm 26 (11 May 1993).
I'm not on all the time and I'm prone to forgetting to check in so a server I can leave for a bit then pick up and not be pushed out because I stayed away too long would be great.

I'm not looking for RP groups though I am down for them under the condition there's no activity restrictions.
Alt history or something leaning more towards fantasy like Pirates of the Caribbean or the Leviathan (by Scott Westerfield) trilogy is fine for RP's! I'm actually interested in exploring the Leviathan universe further since I loved the books.
I work out of the country for long periods. I have long work days and don't always have the energy to write after I'm done for the day. When I do have energy I'm not always going to be able to post what I've done to the RP right away. Whilst I do have access to wifi when working, ship wifi is fussy and not a reliable service. It's like trying to use a 90's dial-up connection at best. At worst it takes 5 mins to load a page and ultimately decide to time out.