World of Possibility

The World of Possibility

"Where The Barrier Between Reality & Fiction Has Been Broken"

Place: Earth
Called: content
Year: 2021
Status: content
Origin: content
Race: content
Role: content
Alignment: content
Status: content
Theme: Song link
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Previously just a normal, average world much like our own in many respects. Everything is slowly changing now as it appears that the impossible seems to be starting to become quite possible in this world following a scientific experiment which was being conducted by a research group for Miracle Corp.* whose aim was to find a cure for a disease that is most commonly known as Lacus-15 through the use of gene therapy as the disease seemed to be targetting certain individuals.

Since then, there's been cases cropping up of individuals being able to break through the barrier of reality and fiction.


Originally a perfectly normal, average version of Earth (aside from a few minor differences in technological & scientific advancements), there was no such thing as super powers or magic outside of television shows, movies, and video games. Everything that the world knew about reality and fiction would change forever in the wake of the Lacus-15 pandemic which ravaged the planet in the year 1988. During this pandemic, many scientists were tasked with a single objective: Find a cure or vaccine.

Thousands upon thousands of studies and tests were done by various groups. Of these numerous tests and studies, there was one study done by Miracle Corp. which noticed that there appeared to be a correlation between those most susceptible to coming down with the Lacus-15 virus. There was a gene which appeared to make individuals with it be especially susceptible to coming down with the virus, so the study sought to find out if gene therapy would in some way help prevent these individuals from coming down with the virus.

The study was conducted on an initial group of 300 individuals with the gene, 100 of whom were given a placebo "shot", another 100 were given a mix of the placebo and the gene therapy, while the final group of 100 were given only the gene therapy. The two groups which were both exposed to the gene therapy would later go on to get vaccinated as well on top of the gene therapy and it is possible that this mix yielded what the scientists would isolate as the cause for dramatic shift in what was possible in the world.

Children of individuals who partook in the test would randomly start exibiting the ability to "teleport" out of reality and into fictional universes. This phenomena was dubbed the transference anomaly, colloquially known as "linking" or "clipping." This phenomena is still being studied, but so far scientists studying these individuals believe that the transference anomaly is triggered by times of stress or during puberty.


Studies are still ongoing in terms of what fictional universes affected individuals are able to go to and what powers individuals have within them. So far, Miracle Corp. has noted that all affected individuals have, at the very least, the ability to teleport in and out of the fictional world. From there, there appears to be a 50-50 chance of an individual getting to retain any of the powers that they might have from the fictional world. It is slightly more common for individuals to come back with no additional powers, but studies are still ongoing. A running log of individuals with powers has been made and kept in case affected individuals who retain their powers use them for bad. For the sake of simplicity, powers have been categorized within just four categories, but it is possible (albeit relatively rare) for an individual to have multiple powers or powers which expand across all four categories.


Extremely common power, this is the "gateway" power which enables affected individuals to go into the fictional universe where they will discover what character they're tied to and if they have any further powers.

Physical Enhancement

A relatively common occurence, this category covers super strength, speed, durability, etc. Depending on what character a person is linked to, this can also cover physical mutations from sticky fingers to spikes/horns etc.

Mental Enhancement

Anything from psychic powers & mind control to telekinetic powers fall within this category. These powers are uncommon and are less likely to transfer over to "reality." That being said, there are some cases where their powers do transfer over and like those with Magic/Reality Warping powers, they are on a watch list.

Magic/Reality Warping

Any power that falls under the category of reality warping is extremely rare in terms of being able to be used within the "real world." Individuals with these sorts of powers are on a watch list to ensure that they don't cause irreparable damage to reality

Current Knowledge

The current common knowledge about the transference anomaly is that random people are suddenly being able to go into their favorite fictional universe and sometimes even come back with additional powers. So far, the vast majority of affected individuals have wound up in either the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) (both movies and television shows) or DC universe (anything from movies to the television shows), it is theorized however that it is entirely possible that individuals could end up going to other franchises outside of those two, but as of yet none of the affected individuals have wound up in those universes. It also appears as if gender or gender identity do not appear to have any bearing when it comes to who an individual may link to.

The response to this phenomena ranges in the usual way, sparking both hope and fear from among the populace. Hope from those wishing that they may be one of the lucky few and/or hope that those with powers might improve the world; fear from those who worry about what repercussions powered individuals would have on reality. In response to these fears and concerns, S.W.I.F.T. (Special Wonderkind Intelligence Federal Taskforce) was formed in order to watch over, provide aid and guidance to affected individuals.

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.