The Faerie's Realm

There's a lot going on here. I love love love all of these OC's and the little world I've created for them in my notes, but I haven't drawn them much and it'll be a while before anything here gets updated.

There's a glossary of worldbuilding terms in Amirien's profile.

Quick summary:

The Moon Goddess prides herself on knowing everything that happens in the Realm where the Fae and other magical creatures live. Her servants are numerous and powerful. But when the Spirit presiding over the First Garden disappears, and no one knows why, she has to request the help of a human Witch with a gift that allows them to tread paths most others can not.

Separate from either realm, the First Garden is a place of great mystery to both magical and non magical creatures. If something happened to the Guardian Spirit there, and the Garden is left without a protector, what could that mean for the balance of all things?