
My fursonas: Aki the Lynx, Augie the Kid, kinda Jules the Timberwolf.

The rest were all made for others, but since I'm the one who draws all their art & stuff I'm keeping them here for easy organization & linking for commissioners :)

Theirs HanaLi Minor Character baseball BABW Build-A-Bear Windswept Youth fan character minor character Did I Dissociate anthro Build a bear Fan Character Entries in a Notebook furry fursona This Hell Im Living steven universe DID Gemsona gemsona Plural Dissociative Identity Disorder SU Himitsu The Adventures of Justin Time and Marmalad Super hero FEA Winter Break Apart Homestuck Unnamed Fantasy Build A Bear Search for the Stone DnD Fursona weapon Fantasy fire emblem Good Luck Bad Man Build a Bear Fire Emblem Awakening Multiplicity System Steven Universe disabled TableTop Minor character Call of Cuthulu insect dermatillomania pastel punk butch menhera vocaloid multiplicity system Fantroll HanaLI HiMiTsu Build-a-Bear excoriation disorder Tabletop DMMD Were Not Living in a Dystopia chameleon Steven universe RP Warriors GLBM wolf world Allmate Swap AU scalie Gemfusion Elder Scrolls Warriors RP Cathedral of Darkness Multiplicity system object head pastel map lesbian dolly