[Lost To Time]

AKA "The Secondary Rhanverse" [Story title is a WIP]

Set in 2006, city unknown

Possible Story:
"Sometime in the far future, high tech Aliens known as the Zitross (Zi-Tross) invaded and conquered Earth, resulting in the loss of millions of lives and millions more being captured and enslaved. No one stood a chance, and any revolt proved to be too disorganized and weak to make a dent on the regime led by Affinity. In a last ditch effort, some humans stole Zitrossi technology, and used it to send some individuals on a one way trip to the past. Maco's father was one of them: After time travelling to 1985, he met and fell in love with a woman with a chronic illness. After some time, he won her heart and they produced a child together, that child being Maco. Without entirely realizing it, the future of humanity was changed with the birth of this child, as it seemed Maco would be the one to stage a successful uprising against humanity's oppressors in the future, something that set off the Zitrossi empire. They vowed to rid of this thorn before it wedged itself in their side, and they did try, heaven knows they tried: the early years were plagued with frequent moves disguised at "business trips" in order to keep Maco safe, but it could only last so long. He'd end up getting attacked by a Zitross Timekeeper at 18 years of age, which was unsuccessful but Maco didn't walk away unscathed: Numerous scars remained on his body, alongside one of his eyes being destroyed by the knife used in the attack. As luck would have it, the clock artifact transferred ownership to Maco, replacing his destroyed eye with itself.

But that was 3 years ago. Our story begins here, in 2006, where the first signs of Zitrossi and other strange creatures start to appear before our hero's eyes."

humanoid closedspecies human angel demon dragon auratail eyeofether closed species single ultimate eye of ether dangan eoe cop cs danganronpa pokemon virtue hybrid