Riot's dolls

Riot has some comfort dolls that she stores her negative manifestations in. As a result, the dolls took on 'lives' of their own. Some in more dangerous ways than others. Regardless, she takes care of the dolls.
Code by sikes 

P.A.L (Plush Alternate Lifeform, ref pending): Her first and most prized doll, P.A.L is capable of communicating with her via telepathy, but cannot with anyone else. Because of this, she often stores a lot of her self doubt in him, s=telling him her insecurities and secrets. P.A.L guards these insecurities, which live inside him as P.A.L.E (Plush Alternate Lifeform (Evolved), a much more powerful creature, which has claws burst through his arms and spilling out as lethal weapons. Despite this, P.A.L is usually passive and calm, only becoming savage when over-burdened or protecting Riot

Belphagor, demon of Gluttony: A vintage dog doll that is faded with age and collects centuries of dirt in it's fabric. Though the least active of the dolls, it hold the most volatile force of them all. Inside the dog is Belphagor, a demon that consumes the life of the children that are unfortunate enough to have it passed down to them. However, Riot is immune to this influence, instead feeing the demon with and even more filling emotion: fear and anxieties. Because of these powerful feelings, it is the most complete demon and most capable of harm. However, it has not harmed Riot.

Neoma the Aloof: The most harmless and gentle of the group, Neoma is the only doll that can recycle negative emotions into positive, and is able to give back to Riot what Riot gives in. It is not known if the creature inhabiting the doll does this out of kindness, or has a more selfish motive. Neoma is also the only one in the group able to audibly talk, and even able to communicate with others outside of Riot. She is the most kind of the dolls.