Masterful Mummers



Welcome to the Masterful Mummers - a motley crew of Pokemon that accepts all comers regardless of type, gender, shininess or creed. So long as you have an open mind and a good work ethic, you're welcome! Just keep in mind that the Mummers are nomadic, so they may be a bit tricky to track down. That's right, nomadic. They never stay in one place for more than a couple of days! This is because the Mummers aren't an actual rescue team so much as a group of bards and performers that hop from settlement to settlement whilst doing their thing, earning some coin, and maybe helping out a few Pokemon on the way. Given their rag-tag nature, performances vary widely. Sometimes it's an acrobatic routine, other times there's music. One town will be treated to a full-blown play, while another gets a mime show. It really just depends on whose turn it is to do what! No matter the day though, there's always a sense of family about the group - even when they're squabbling - and an almost universally shared willingness to try new things even as they embrace theatrical tradition. The Masterful Mummers leave no stone unturned, no song unsung, and no Pokemon behind!



The Masterful Mummers are based in the minor region of Dailen (pronounced 'die-LEN'), an area of temperate forest that is sparsely populated by humans. The only major human town is lhe southern port of Sarford Harbour. To the north are Toriville and Grace Town. Both are little more than rural hamlets, though Grace Town was once home to a scientific research station dedicated to the study of Pokemon genetics. Off the coast of the mainland are several islands, all empty of humans. The ruins of a lighthouse still stand on the easternmost point of the largest. Due to the rural landscape and low population density, the Pokemon of Dailen have plenty of space to thrive! Each dot on the map represents a major Pokemon settlement/trading post. The Masterful Mummers regularly visit all of them, passing through many smaller towns on the way. They are recognized by many, and do their best to keep to their schedule! They are particularly well-known in the settlement of Firth - located on the easternmost coast of the mainland in the center of a wide coastal plain. This is because the Mummers overwinter in Firth. The region's winters are too harsh for traveling!


C A R / B A S E

Technically the Masterful Mummers HAVE no base. At least not in the spring, summer and fall. During this part of the year, they're nomadic, and travel all over the region using various roads, trails, and waterways. If you want to stretch the definition a bit though, their 'base' would be the old steam-wagon they use to haul their gear. What's a steam wagon...? Well, to put it simply, the thing is a cross between a circus wagon and a stem-poweed car. Yes, it's as odd as it sounds! The contraption is very old, and can either be filled with water and fired up (literally!) so that it can move around under its own power, OR a falling tongue (go look up wagon anatomy - it's cooler than you think) can be attached to the front enabling the whole thing to be pulled around manual-style by a pair of willing Pokemon. Seeing as the group is pretty small at the moment and doesn't yet include any members large or strong enough to pull the wagon, it's usually in steam mode. And Noodles is the driver.

In winter many or most of Dailen's roads become difficult or downright impossible to travel, forcing the Mummers to sit still. Thus, it is only during the winter that they have an actual address! 9 times out of 10, said address is in the settlement of Firth - a sleepy place located on the easternmost coast of the mainland. They have a couple of cottages on the edge of town all to themselves! Though the members with family in Firth quite naturally break off and go to their own houses.

((Formerly attached to the 'Guild Masters' ARPG on CS, now free-standing characters in their own right since said ARPG curled up and died.))