SPACELAND's Bulletins

Character sales + interest check weee

Posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago by SPACELAND

Mystery customs ...

22 Votes YES!!!!!
3 Votes Claus please go back to bed

hi! short and sweet halloween adopts are getting my ass and i need to grasp all of them or i will explode but i ahve beautiful women known as Financial Responsibility on my shoulder so i have some guys who are up in exchange for those sweet, sweet boy dollars /silly <- slimes design would consider 60 usd resale, I like them but i bought them thinking about making them a potential sona but remembered that I have identity issues and now i'm just like. oh! ok HBFHJ <- would also consider 60 usd resale (which is down from like. 80 that was the previous autoaccept), i also like him but he's just been doing nothing and i simply feel bad/ <- snes design ... paid 80 but would go down to 40 potentially <- Uee idk... like 30? i made a design that's mostly red as someone who is colorblind, i don't know what I was expecting i'll have to make a new design for what I was gonna use him for/

You can go lower potentially with an art add on but I may not accept since i'm particularly after money right now for those designs I want. :-)

As for the interest check I was thinking of offering on-base mystery customs. I don't actually have any bases made for that right now aside from one, maybe two-- If you didn't know i actually do take them already as of writing but only for amoebuds (closed species) since I'm a mod there but they'd be (and are, for amoe customs) $40 for the standard base size (which is like. Inbetween a big tall design and a chibi but definitely leans more towards a regular design), but possibly lower if i decide to include the little itty bitty base that i made for my october minis as an option

the fuckig uhhhh bluesky

Posted 4 days, 20 hours ago by SPACELAND

^ I left all social medias besides TH like a year ago but I might try to post stuff there granted you'll still see it all here because I like. Only draw oc art. Trying to be a little more outgoing (smile)

Adopt Question REHHH

Posted 12 days, 7 hours ago by SPACELAND


19 Votes post them all as one batch, freaklet
54 Votes i do not care if you post them as they're done. be free

Im thinking of making october minis that are like. 10-15 dollars each on a little base. should i release them all at the same time or just toss them out as I finish them. I'm not sure personally so. Vote on your phones NEOW!!! or dont idc/ 

I'm mostly just like. Hmmm... Solely because I know I have motivation issues and might not post any of the designs because the batch never got finished, but idk if people would care for a chain of onbase designs. idk.

Starlyngs Anniversary Event (smile)

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago by SPACELAND

hiii they're neat. little feral-anthro semi open species. go look at them if you'd like /

My UN on the lorekeeper is SPACELAND also if you want to use me as a referred user i think i get goodies for that idk LOL


Posted 1 month, 15 days ago by SPACELAND

Dude im so. I wanna DRAW and then i DONT. Me and my boulder i think. I would bump trades but there is nothing new to add. Save me. The seasonal depression is getting my ass. Dies forever

I realize i do this like. Trickle down type vibe with my guys and that leads me to just forgetting they exist and then i feel bad and then im like um well. I could rehome them. And then I make a bulletin and then i forget to reply to anyone even if im interested and then it's been like a week so then i feel bad asking and then i just delete it.

to conclude my self awareness session i'm dividing stuff up into like tiers. Of whatever im Looking To Get Rid Of and stuff im moreso just entertaining...Stuff in maybe or entertaining has a chance of no response but i absolutely will try to accept an offer this time on guys i am looking to rehome. That being said here's who I'm considering, and will add more as I go maybe?

I'm prioritizing USD at the moment (and you could start a bid chain if you wish) but might consider art? Unsure this time around due to a very recent streak of just getting ghosted OTL. no holds also! Please be able to pay upfront. I will also most likely take a couple days to reply here.

A lot of them dont have prices listed and its because im not sure what some may value them at.  Please offer whatever you may think is fair. My trade prefs are here but I'm not sure if I am looking for trades unless ive shown interest before or if it checks a lot of my boxes...

Absolutely looking to let go of (20 obo, art, whatever) (30 obo, art, whatever)

Maybe looking to let go of (bought for 80, could haggle...? art add on? idk)

Entertaining letting go of (I would prefer a trade of some kind on ones with 'no usd' on them, probably would not let go of any of these for solo art unless i Love ur work) (no usd) (Tentative) (A lil tent) (no usd! Super tentative on this one, a bit of an "in your dreams" type pick...) (no usd)

I also have a rare angemo MYO but I have someeee plans? for it? not sure. Trade only tho

hiii I know I'm like. Semi popularrrr and some of my designs go for a decent penny but others have been having issues with offsite scammers selling characters that are not actually theirs. If a character designed by me is being sold offsite please ask me to verify if the character has actually been taken offsite or not. I usually ask that they do not do this without letting me know but of course not everyone would do this. Always verify transactions with a designer if their designs are being resold elsewhere that is not TH.

Be safe, I suppose!!

I wanna make more adopts

Posted 2 months, 8 days ago by SPACELAND

i do ... (touches window)... thinking of a little series of nostalgia based guys... just maybe..