Trades / Sale

says it on the tin ye! Before offering characters please look at my preferences! I generally prefer not to page thru entire THs

If a character sits for 6+ months with no update or partial payments made, I will assume you are not interested anymore and put them back up for offer.

P1 le creb BITEBITE Art I Virulai 2DO Upd8 rp nonchar Amoebud no mildly upsetting pasta Gen.2 Webcore Splatoon Mignyan NERD PILE STRAWBERY FUKIGN AIRPLANE Kidcore Gift for spaceland webcore MINE OH MY GOD NEVER f2u sona..... WHITE BOY WEDNESDAY icecream mouse Tomoyoki Custom4Me pride Frutiger Aero Co own MYO 1615 alien NOT A DAINTY GRAAA CUSTOM4ME ftu raffle yes RHODIE Octoling One of many...Unfortunately MYWIFE resource f2e