Informant's Den

A bunch of shady folks here...

Current Status of The Story: Active 

Working on full character refs and complete page layouts soon. 

Finished Character Pages: None

Semi Finished: Ubel, Jibra, Kurtis

Not Yet Started: Kamet, and everyone else...

Important Terms: 

World Traveler- A being who can legally travel between worlds and realities. Can retain their Base form in alternate demensions because they are not breaking the "Laws of Reality". ie. Only Kamet

World Jumper- A being who illegally travels through realities. Transforms into Alternate species or creatures upon entering worlds that their own kind do not exist in due to breaking the "Laws of Reality". ie. Everyone else in this folder. 

Nin Gates- A place where Multiple worlds have found portal like holes between them in one location. These places tend to turn into hogpog cities where all sorts of beings cross and gather. It is how beings from different realities tend to end up working together like Krysta, Blaze and Blakrye. These holes are believed to have been created by unseen reality warping beings called Lapnin.

NFT NFS Male implup MYO closed species Human Informants Den Seriously ask for him and I will beat you to death Grieves Agency Implups male Spirit Adopted Blakrye Martels world My son adult Lord help him Adopted Baby