Shalmons's Bulletins

how to feel comfy attending streams?

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Shalmons

so this is something i've felt bad about for a while & i wanted to ask for advice

but i have a hard time attending streams :(  i wanna be supportive to the streamers i know, but there's something kinda overwhelming about it.  i know so many people who stream & they do so at overlapping times, and sdkjfhsdkj;;  and since i don't multitask well, it's very hard to even make time for one stream, let alone;;;  all those other ones;;;  (on another note, sometimes people will be streaming a story-heavy game that i intended to play & i don't go because i don't want to be spoiled;; 😓 and my brain gets stuck in loops like "am i supposed to feel guilty about this, or is it ok to value my personal sense of immersion in this game i was looking forward to?")
but i guess one thing i have a hard time convincing myself of, is that it's fine to just stop in for a few minutes?  i see people do that all the time.  (i've even streamed a few times and try to make sure people feel comfy to stay for as long or short a time as they want)  but for some reason i still feel like i have to stay all the way through, or i'll upset the streamer.  and that inevitably snowballs into never showing up;;  and then i feel awkward even talking to them since i assume they're disappointed;;  
so i guess i'd like to practice ignoring that exaggerated feeling of obligation when most streamers would probably appreciate that i showed up at all?

(i also get a lot of anxiety when i actually do my own streams, but that's a whole other thing.  but maybe it would help if i reached a point where just attending them didn't also give me a carousel of social anxiety, lol) 

i seem to have better luck getting answers to questions here than on dA, so:

i've had to reject so many 3D comms because they end up wanting to use them in VRchat & i have no idea if mine will work for it  :'v
so, does anyone know if i can test what I make in VRchat without the VR equipment?  (I have no intention of ever investing in a headset since i have major issues with nausea, lol  ;v; )
i do know the short answer is "yes", but i have no idea where to start;;
if it helps, i know the polycount of everything i make is plenty low enough (usually around 5k tris, less if it's a very simple design), but i'm more concerned w/my meshes since i haven't really learned retopology yet.  not sure how necessary it is at lower counts

how to make a sub gallery?

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Shalmons

i think i've seen people make sub-galleries for their OCs & wasn't sure how to do that  :'v
i was thinking of collecting all the silly low-quality doodles i make of shalhen & putting them on here, but i also want them to be separate from all the pretty comms/trades, lol

thanks in advance to anyone who can explain!  <3 

update of sorts

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Shalmons

I'm not great at keeping up with TH, but would like to explore it more;;
and on that note--is there a good way of keeping up with comments on one's designs??  has the notification system gotten any better?  it's so embarrassing to finally stumble upon a comment for an offer that's like....over a year old;;;;  i don't know how these keep getting lost--TH is literally the only site i seem to have this problem on;;  i'm typically very responsive on any other site & now TH is makin' me look like i just ignore people  :'( 

anyway, i've been sorting out a lot of health stuff this year, but would like to finally get back into comms soon~  (my fingers were doing weird stuff that made me concerned i would need to chill on art for a while, but it doesn't actually seem to be a joint problem.  still waiting on a diagnosis, but art shouldn't hurt it, at least)
i do have a wait list that i need to address first, but if you would like to be added for something, feel free to check out the menu here
(my hiatus was a lot longer than i intended, so i'm fully expecting a few dropouts that will make the list go down faster )
btw, i also offer 20% off to anyone on my $1 Patreon !