Shalmons's Profile Comments

Thanks for the follow! Sorry it took me this long to thank you.

aw no worries!! <3
tbh i often forget to leave comments on TH stuff 😅

OH MY GOSH HAIII THANK U FOR THE FOLLOW I swear ill post more on sheezy this follow on like, nearly all my socials is making me motivated to draw again!

ahhh that's great to hear!!!  \o/
it's been so nice to find new ppl on sheezy!!  ;v; 

Oh my god I just saw you on the forms but I had to comment because you have a chicken OC and I love chickens SO SO SO much. <3 I love your art as well!! 

aw lol thank you!!  <3
i should start adding more of my chicken characters soon!! 


You have more? <33 Do you own chickens irl too? What is your favourite breed? 

sadly don't own any!  😭  just admiring from afar~
fave is lavender pekin <3 <3

but yea in the process of making more for my game!! \o/

O 3 O You are making a chicken gameeee?!?!?!?!? I need to play itttt!!! I have 8 silkies and they are my pride and joy. <333 I am so obsessed with chickens its unhealthy

omg silkies!!!  😭  <3  def want to put a silkie character in it, i want to make sure lots of types are shown!  😤

it's gonna be a goofy RPGmaker game!  it's about their obsession with a wizard-collecting game (which may or may not be a thinly veiled pokemon reference lol)  
tbh it's a big ol' personal nostalgia trip i'm making just for fun 😂
i would love to have a demo out sometime in 2024, we'll see!!

2 Replies

Your stuff is AMAZING like I can't even with your art! AND THEN YOURE GREAT AT 3D MODELS OML

omg!!! 😭  thank you so much for the kind comment!! <3
your style is really lovely as well!!

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aw of course!!  ;v;  lol i was actually going through old art site contacts to see where people are at these days--so i think we've run into each other before, but it's certainly been a while!  ^^;;


hello! sorry to bother you, but what do you use to make the 3D models? I’ve been looking for a good site for a long time ;w;; amazing art btw!!

no worries!

i use blender--these tutorials really helped me out a lot!:
(i would recommend downloading the older version of Blender to follow along with these--the new one on their main page is Blender 2.8 & they changed a loooot of things  *v*;; )


aa thank you!!!

Nice to see you on toyhouse as well! Thanks for the subscription ^_^

aw no problem!  <3

i don't do a whole lot on here, but it's nice to see all the cool designs~  ^^

Thank you for the sub as well as the AF follow! :D Your 3D work is awesome!

aw, thank you so much!!  ;v;  and thank you for the follows as well!  <3 

hello! sorry to bother but I noticed u had this dude faved and i just wanna let u know they're up for offers now!

All your characters and designs are drop-dead GORGEOUS!! 

ahhh thank you so much!!  ;v;  i really enjoy making them~   

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aw thank you so much!!  ;v;

and no problem!  <3 


hooray for birbs!!!  <3

**faves a few more of your bird people**

thank you for the favourites on kara and gavin!!

no problem!!  <3

you have some lovely birds!  ;v; 

Thank you for the favorite! :)

aw no problem!  <3

my favorite thing about this website is getting to see so many cool bird characters, haha~  :>

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aw thanks!  <3

this one is actually a F2U that i made--i have a few other birds here if you ever want any free bird page decor, lol