

Hell is seperated into 6 different territories, each having a different King, who manages everything in his own territory. The Kings are not enemies, as it´s not possible for them to take another territory or mess something up in another Kings place. They rather try to help each other out. Once a King enters another territory, he loses all his powers as long as he´s in there. He can get them back, when the King of the Territory gives him a special unique coin. Each different territory, has it´s own hell, it´s own way to torture the souls. Kings have to give the throne to their heir every 500 years.
Going by size:
Hell 1 is the biggest territory, it´s a burning nightmare. Sinners are burning for eternity here.
Hell 2 is almost as big as Hell 1. Sinners that get into this hell, are freezing for ever. It´s made of ice and is unimaginable cold.
Hell 3 has the loudest screams, Sinners are being poured over with acid forever. Once there´s nothing left of them they appear again and get acid all over them again.
Hell 4 lets the Sinners repeat their worst nightmares and face their biggest fears. After the experience, the Sinner forgets everything that´s happened and it repeats again, so they´ll never get used to their fear.
Hell 5 looks like a peaceful forest, but the Sinners who run all by themselves through it, get ripped apart by different animals like wolves, bears etc. , they come back and have to run through the forest all over again.
Hell 6 is a mystery to the other Kings, since no one outside of this territory knows how exactly the Sinners are tortured here, as they live happy and in peace along with the demons (not knowing that they´re in hell). It looks like a beautiful place to live in. In reality, the Sinners live a great life, which turns into the worst life they could imagine and let´s them commit suicide. After that they come to live again they get another life which also turns out to be terrible.

hell male female Royals king Fallen Angel Hell4 Seven deadly sins angel Hell1 guards Hell6 hell6 hunter Soldier General Hell2 shinigami hell3 oddcore Fallen Demon naruto human archangel ninja Slave rp dreamcore general main weirdcore