Silvaze126's Bulletins

Art Fight 2023!

Posted 10 months, 9 days ago by Silvaze126

What side of the war are you on?

2 Votes Vampires
3 Votes Werewolves

It's that time once again! I look forward to the battle, maybe the best team win! 


Find me here!

We Werewolves will totally tear you to shreds though XD

Sketch Requests

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Silvaze126

It's very specific, and not oc related, but I figured some of my audience is here too, so I'll leave the option for you all as well! 

I'm wanting to practice couples poses and draw Genshin characters, so I decided to mash them together and I am taking Genshin couple requests! 

I only have a few rules for this 

> Nothing straight up NSFW. I'll do suggestive, that would probably be good practice, but keep it to my account level of posts XD 

> Nothing is guaranteed. Just because you comment doesn’t mean I'll draw it. You don't have to worry about the ship being "not to my taste". I am the multishipper of multishippers in Genshin it would seem. I have yet to see a mainstream ship that has me going "ew no, never in million years". (Yes even that one, I don't actively enjoy it but I understand it so you do you. I'll consider it if that's what you want to request.) 

And I think that's literally it, the bars are really low XD 

If you don't know Genshin but want to help me out anyways, just leave a pose suggestion! I'll pick some ships I feel fit it~ 

To reinstate it all shortly: 

Comment a Ship and a Pose you want them in. 

Alternatively, just comment a pose! 

But please, every suggestion must contain a pose!

About My Archons

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Silvaze126

As I've decided to turn my "speculative Archons" into actual characters of mine now, I thought I should address how I've decided to proceed with their stories, since in reality, they should all be dead. So! I've decided to finally wrap some sense into their existence, by using the great tool known as ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* AU  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

So I've decided to write my intentions and how my little universe here will work. It follows most basework from Genshin as is, so there aren't too many leaps, but I thought laying it out regardless was a good approach. So, here it is~ 

Where do they fall into the pre-established lore?

My Archons fill the roles of the original Seven, the winners of the Archon War. You'll know them in game as Venti/Barbatos, Zhongli/Morax, as well as the deceased ones. Makoto/Baal, God of the Woods, etc. 

Where my little AU differs is around the events of the Calamity (or maybe before, we don't know if they all died during the Calamity, or some died beforehand. Regardless, it doesn't matter. The big thing is they don't die)

The Calamity still happens, and it is the leading cause of the Tsaritsa (first Cryo Archon, not our Tsaritsa) forming the Fatui and beginning her assault on the Heavens. 

Changes and similarities in the characters

For the creation of these characters, the biggest factor into their initial creation was my take on what I thought the current Archons would look like based on what we knew from official sources. It has since, obviously, merged into them being their predecessors, so I've decided as they are, my Archons are merges of both past and current Archons. 

E.g. Sitri is the God of Justice, like our current Hydro Archon. However she also holds a desire to connect the world through water and rivers, like the first Hydro Archon. 

As it stands, the Cryo Archon is solely based on the current Archon, as we know nothing about her predecessor at all. Tweaks will be made to them all over time, after all, Genshin is an ever evolving world and story, so as more information is available to us, I will use it to better mold these characters. I will not however make them carbon copies. Since as they are they already have personalities, stories, etc. I won't change them much, and instead only use new lore insights. With any hope but the end of Genshin's story, I will have my own unique characters. 

Barbatos and Morax (and Baal too I guess)

Obviously, not all the original Seven are dead. We have two handed to us on a silver platter who are both fully fledged characters and are not just tidbits of lore we can glean. Makoto falls into a grey area. We know of her, what she looks like, a little bit of her goals/personality, but not to the same degree as the other two. So she's semi applicable to this.

So what I will be doing with them is remaking them. Redesigning, renaming, the works. Since they each have full-fledged characters already, I've decided to work from the ground up with them, and constrain myself to the same restrictions as I did the other Archons. I can only use lore to build them, not use anything from Venti or Zhongli themselves. Though to turn back from that, I will use Venti's in-game poems and references songs, since those also offer insights on the other Archons. why only use that for the others, and not him, when he features in them as well.

I've decided to keep their regional titles (Rex Lapis, Lord Barbatos) and their Archon names (Barbatos, Morax) Since while Venti wouldn't really cause much issue, there's the whole Mora being named after Morax, so best keep that. 

I will be renaming them though! So here's a quick bit on both of them. 

For Venti, I've decided to go with Procella. I'm not really happy with it, but I guess that goes to show you that Hoyoverse did an amazing job with Venti. I went on a very roundabout journey for his name. German translates most wind terms to the rough equivalent to what they are in English, so going with a German name was off the table. So I looked into Mondstadt a little more, and it has ties to Rome as well. Great, Latin then! No, Venti is Latin. (Ventus really, but same thing, can't use that)

After that disappointment, I went with the next best thing, Procella, a Latin word for storm, specifically a windy storm. 

I would use a Greek name for him, but with Enkanomiya, Kaeya, and frankly Childe (Abyss?), using Greek names, it seems they're hinting at Khaenri'ahn relations to Greece, so I'll hold off on using Greek.

For Zhongli, I've decided on Shiwang, or Li Shiwang. He's been smart enough to give himself a last name to blend in now XD 

But the Li inclusion is mostly to play into Liyue lore, so the GuiLi Assembly still makes sense. He mostly just goes by his first name, Shiwang. 

Also interesting side note, while I originally picked the name Shiwang (石王) as it means Stone King, while looking up if it was a feasible Chinese name, I came across the Chinese mythology of the Ten Kings of Hell, Ten Kings being Shiwang (十王). So while not meaning the same thing boiling down to the pronunciation and spelling, it is the same in romanized terms, so interesting unintentional fact. Because, you know, Archons being named after demons, just another thing added in to that I guess.

About the Others

Dendro - Gul/Valak

The biggest one I should touch on because of the "reveal of 2.1". When I first designed Gul, there was the mistranslation present in the third part of Liyue’s Archon quest, calling the Dendro Archon "he". That being my only source at the time of first designing him, I obviously made him male. I've decided to keep with the male Archon to balance out my cast *cough* Hoyoverse. I am still a firm believer that the God of the Woods was male though (in game clues, consistent in the Chinese translation), and it will take Sumeru backstory to change my mind. And even if in the end they are both female, Gul will stay as he is, because I'm in love with his "Father Earth" vibe XD 

Other details: 

> He is not the youngest, he did fall ill after the Calamity but he ultimately survived and continues reigning as the Dendro Archon. 

> He established the Sumeru Academia to encourage further human learning. He is the God of Wisdom. 

> He has a strong connection with the trees, plants, and fauna of Teyvat, using them to communicate, much like Venti with the wind.

Hydro - Levia/Sitri

The most "amalgamation of both" Archon, at this point in time we know about as much about the past Archon as we do the present. She is the real reason for me wanting to merge all Archon lore into one character. 

> She's the God of Justice. She reigns over the tribunal of Fontaine and is the top authority on judgements. 

> She has a desire to see the world connected. Commissioning the aid of the Oceanids to do so, she strives to unite Teyvat by the rivers. 

Pyro - Nina/Aym

The Archon (and subsequently region) we know the least about. The most we know about her is through Venti. In the manga and one of his voicelines in game. And even then, it isn't clear if he's talking about the past or current Archon. As she is, the Pyro Archon is a really big mystery to us. Even Dainsleif's little comment about her in the story preview is so vague. Could it be corroborating what Venti has told us? That she's a "wayward warmongering wretch"? Or implying now the opposite, that she was once that but has cast aside the prospect of that? Either way it seems it'll be a while before we learn anything else about her. So I've decided to address another topic, her name. In the manga Venti gave us her (presumably mortal) name Murata. Much like with Venti and Zhongli, I didn't want to keep the name, so I renamed her myself, choosing Nina. A name of Incan origin meaning mighty and fire. Perfect fit for her, no? 

Cryo - Valya/Seire

Since we know absolutely nothing about the Tsaritsa's predecessor, (I mean, maybe. Maybe it was the first Archon that at their scepter swiped by Barbatos, but that is of little consequence in the end) her character has been created around if the Tsaritsa was in fact always the Archon. She follows the same path as in game, just with added time lived, and as a result relationships for some good added measure of betrayal~ 

> She was the God of Love. Putting her people above all else and caring for them through the trials Snezhnaya throws. It was because of her connection to love, that she now thrives to reestablish the world. 

> She formed the Fatui and crowned its Harbingers after the Calamity, in preparation for her revolt against the Heavens. 

> Despite her advances, she is still the soft and gentle soul her people once described her as. She's just hardened her exterior.   

Accepting RPs

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by Silvaze126

I've been thinking of ways to better flesh out some characters, and this was an idea that came to mind. Comment below giving me a brief description of the RP you'd like to do and a little bit about your characters you wish to use.

  • Keep it PG13!
  • You use your characters, I use mine (Toyhouse offers a great feature which allows you to talk in character! I'd prefer we use this feature ^^)
  • Give me time to respond, I'm by not a speedy responder.
  • When we finish, I like to turn my RPs into literature pieces on the character's page here on Toyhouse. Please tell me if you're ok with it being public, or if you'd prefer it to be private/authorized only.
  • I write in coloured font, which you can probably see. But I also know it may be difficult to read depending on the background and theme you have selected. If this is the case, please let me know so I can change it.
  • I will most likely be using my newer characters to better flesh them out/get accustomed to their voice.

A World to Join!

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by Silvaze126

I don't know how people browse worlds, so I figured I probably have to mention it. I created a Mobius world originaloy to categorize my Sonic characters, however I'm more than happy to have others but their cgaracters is to it as well! I'm still not fully sure how they work, however if you have a Sonic character, or characters, you ar emote than welcome to join and contribute! All characters welcome!

Join me for Art Fight!

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by Silvaze126

Ready for the fight? Where's your allegiance?

1 Votes Team Sugar
0 Votes Team Spice

Let's go Team Sugar!

I'm pumped and ready for Art Fight just as I am every other year! With July approaching ever so quickly, and pre-registration now open, now's the perfect shot for you to act! 

Fight alongside me, or fight against me! Either way, I look forward to seeing you on the artistic battlefield ^^

Since you are all on this character sharing website, there's no doubt you all have wonderful characters just waiting to be drawn~ Attack me and I will always attack back (Friendly fire however will be at the back of my return list) And don't hesitate to keep on attacking me, I love revenge chains >:3 

To fight me or support me, you can find me right here:

Silvaze126, same as everywhere else ;)

If you're like me and like the prospect of being placed on a random team instead of picking, I'd suggest going for pre-registry anyways. It'll help you get a head start when the site is lagging like it always does July 1st. Just simply use one of the may online sites that pick things at random, that's what I did ;p 

It really helps when you're indecisive like me. That and personally, I like the random nature of the team picking. It makes it all that much sweeter when we'll win! Pun definitely intended.

I'm Accepting Some RPs!

Posted 4 years, 2 days ago by Silvaze126

I'm trying to kill some time and am willing to do some roleplays. Comment below giving me a brief description of the RP you'd like to do and a little bit about your characters you wish to use.

images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcT1W2EoUsebAMcxUCUhK Keep it PG13!

images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcT1W2EoUsebAMcxUCUhK You use your characters, I use mine (Toyhouse offers a great feature which allows you to talk in character! I'd prefer we use this feature ^^)

images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcT1W2EoUsebAMcxUCUhK Give me time to respond, I'm by not a speedy responder.

images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcT1W2EoUsebAMcxUCUhK When we finish, I like to turn my RPs into literature pieces on the character's page here on Toyhouse. Please tell me if you're ok with it being public, or if you'd prefer it to be private/authorized only.

 images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcT1W2EoUsebAMcxUCUhKI write in coloured font, which you can probably see. But I also know it may be difficult to read depending on the background and theme you have selected. If this is the case, please let me know so I can change it.

An offer I left over on DevianArt, I am always open to co-owning a character with you! All that's required:

A DeviantArt account (because I want all the creation threads in one place, I.e. the DA journal linked below)

And the dedication to treat and draw them like you would your fully owned characters.

Here's the link! Please follow my rules: