Silvaze126's Profile Comments

Heya! I wanted to ask if you wanted to keep these two (Kino and Chloe) as a ship pairing since I noticed the previous owner may had one with you before Kino was rehomed to me.

I honestly don't mind keeping it if you'd like (or not, completely up to you). Though it is unfortunate that when people rehome characters they never often inform the other side a OC gets rehomed, so that's why I'm coming by to tell you this. Hope you have a nice day!

So sorry for the late reply!

Thanks for reaching out! To be honest, I had forgotten myself that we'd shipped them. It's been quite a while since I paid attention to that aspect of Chloe.

I'm not opposed to keeping it, though I'm admittedly I'm not every good at the "shipping with other's ocs" thing, so honestly if you'd like to have a new slate with him as your new character, I totally would be offended if we unwrite that aspect of them. Though they are also quite cute together looking back at it again, so I'm also up for keeping it up of you're wanting to.

Her being in a relationship wasn't heavily intertwined with her as a character, so I don't have strong feelings either way (sorry, I know I'm indecisive, it's a problem)

Thank you for letting me know though, and I look forward to seeing more of Kino from you, I always loved his design ^^

I don't mind keeping it, but I'll admit, I do suck at keeping a consistency with ships as well, even my own with my close best friend lmao

But it would be nice to draw them together every once in a while, plus, I'm the type to do that regardless ship or friends lol

But no worries! I just would like other owners be up to date for pre-existing relationships! It doesn't make them feel confused, ya know?

I really do appreciate you reaching out ^^

If there won't be any pressure on either of us here, I'm totally up for keeping them together. I just worry when I ship with others there's an expectation that I'm terrible at meeting XD

In time we can discuss what their contient ship would be like if you want, though I'd imagine you are still fleshing him out so there's no rush on that at all~

Hi Amy, it's me annonmyous. I now have a Toyhouse account

Hello ^^

Hi there 

If you need any help figuring out he site, don't hesitate to ask. It be happy to help

Thank you, I'll let you know if I need it.

Cool ^^

She's absolutely adorable! Thanks a million ^^

It's no problem, thanks for commissioning me!

You're welcome!