
Sima Adopts

Simas are a fertile hybrid between felines and canines, originating from the world of xxx. Although parts of their basic structure can be classified as more feline or more canine, they also have a jewel guard that houses a jewel, used for courtship and defense but also grants the sima certain magical powers. They are social creatures, often found in family groups of 20-50, but have been known to live solitary lifestyles. Due to their apparent hybrid and magical nature, they have unstable genetics that result in both benign and life-impacting mutations that rarely seem to result in the death of a kit.

closed species sima original character gen 1 gen 2 rainbow paint wolf fan character wolf cat dragon docksen open species dragonriders of pern bangoo fire-lizard dog forest antlered equid viscet human arpg little dino keakota roonz cat keldine double-tailed warrior soft yemao yumao warrior cats myo sanskira warrior cat bird horse ash dragon catacombs babusagi cithadrel tufted two-tailed avidae echobi tiny horse kalon unicorn taikea dinoken guardian dragonie dream keeper rabbit sky wyrm pegasus keloski dragon tignix nightmare elemental equid seashell dragon foxerfly twinkle kitty faelix mouse light collector kelpie demons of dantalion indrie cloud sky horse daydream capriwolf summer sun ranch cuddlebug mp3 canine fox candy raptor gryphon arpgs bred character dnd novo daemon terropus jekinto skyloze simas fluff-tailed dragon light collectors egyptian thoroughbred them humanoid kirix high elf novair fox koshei dragon lykaio marra long-tailed fennex mew dragon kampus equus nature spirit stargazer rysk mana geared hyena cafluf unknown fighter tiefling echobis raikia caelum custo keldrian hare wish dragon brabant dogan igni saber fox kralashen foxifae newton lesser demon ringed lapwing elf npc jelly beast first star crested cerial nightshade skitter palkir bell-tailed dragon amazon phoenix closed speices sea chimera snowy mountain dragon waterfall equine echon aion