Xeno hive

A loose conglomerate with no queen, these strange xenomorph seem to not only have developed some strange color mutations, but have mutated with the ability to communicate and function with some level of sentience beyond the normal. They have established the ability to think for themselves, and form allies and bonds. Though they are still closest to each other, and can function as a single entity if environment provokes. 

Because they are individuals, they can overcome the typical subconscious desire to forge a new large hive and seek a queen, foregoing this in lieu of being able to maintain this concept of 'freedom' they've found. They have some interest in seeking knowledge, and can understand the concept of living in symbiosis with things around them for their own benefits. While they are absolutely deadly predators and can cause serious harm if given good reason, they have the logical skills to intentfully avoid fights that may potentially prove dangerous in the long term. 

They prioritize survival above anything else, and will defend each other with high aggression, as they are still very social despite having their own identities.

They do not use their own names/care what others refer to them as. Their designations have come from combinations of outside sources. 

feral human anthro closed species WIP feline kiamara Feral kia canine dragon pokemon cat Single Human tiger chitchatcafe sixbane Closed species Kalon