Royalty Of Selena

Welcome to Central Helmore/Selena's Kingdom!

Selena and her team are on their ongoing quest to help the folk and assist them trough their hard times. Middle Helmore was going though dark times since the beginning of time and never was able to truly form any kind of system where everybody could trust each other. But after Selena's rise,she aims to reward the people who went through these times with ensuring their safety above all else and providing everyone safe places to live.

there are currently 3 Ranks;

Royals : The new generation of the Demi-Gods of Oldbyet,their royal blood comes from their parents with incredible power and they're currently rebelling against their evil nature and are on a mission to ensure that their own creator gets defeated and bring peace to the land once and for all. 

The Royals; Selena , Kai and Athena.

Supporters : Not blood related to both the royals nor the Demi-Gods,but they are the chosen ones to support the royals on their mission by Drennia after she witnessed their devotion to make Helmore the way it once was. 

The Supporters ; Takameo,The Detective,Daimen,Fran(alleged),Sarah(alleged) 

Guests ; The people that provided enough service and helped with heavy tasks to gain permission to enter the castle's restricted places normally closed to the average folk as they wish. 

The guests ; Vera , Ebony