Welcome to Helmore. 

Helmore is a young planet guarded by its creator,Jerdiet,the God of Magic III with the help of their strongest creations,a group of prophets called The Mythic Demi-Gods. All was well until the planet became a target of the long going threat to the universe,God of Destruction,Oldbyet. Jerdiet,refusing to let his creations be killed by the deity,did not fear Oldbyet due to having promised to protect Helmore with his life,and was not hesitant to jump to challenge,even if that meant dying to protect their creations' lives. Thus leading to the never-ending war. The world's habitants were affected by the war as the powerful creatures began fighting in the galaxy,very close to Helmore,not certain if the earth was going to survive. Seemingly out of nowhere,the sky was calm again. The red,anger-soaked sky was back to the once bright blue sky that everyone had grown to know and long for. But, the peace amongst humanoids could not be reached due to the believers' prayers not being returned. The only thing the deity left was the Prophets,The Magical Demi-Gods. They made their very first entrance to Helmore after the war,ensuring that there was nothing to worry about,the war was won,the problematic deity was put to a stop. Lives were getting back to normal with Helmore at its peak in many fields; education,technology and overall happiness. But,things took an unexpected turn as the God of Destruction’s strongest creatures’ in the vengeance of their defeat return to terrorize Helmore once more,proven to be more powerful than ever before,shattering the peace again,and revealing some truths of the war,inner workings of the prophets and the system they helped create,and even the universe itself,leaving the creations unsure of who to trust but hope that the power of their strong companionship change the outcome of the second round of the war…