
The Enhanced Individual Defense Force (EIDF) is the largest group of superheroes in the world. From minor crime to world-ending threats, the EIDF is ready to face it all! The force is split into three (used to be two) different tiers of Supers. They are all led by Firearm, the force leader.

Team A: (Firearm and Sharkgirl)

The strongest and best known heroes. Team A heroes often pursue solo missions, but they team up for A-Level Threats when they arise. The line between public servant and celebrity is quite thin. These heroes are full-time and, while they do get paid time off and sick days, there is a certain obligation to be ready to respond to A-Level Threats immediately. Team A heroes can also mentor Team B and C heroes, with approval from the leader. 

Team A has a communal recreation area and kitchen, but each hero gets a private bathroom and kitchenette. 

Team B: (Buzz, Sheep, Raquel, Golden Gun on occasions)

Team B comprises meta-humans, weaker supers, and others who generally can't qualify for Team A. It's also the team that is optionally full or part time- yes, part time heroism exists. Some people have other things to do. 

Full-time Team B heroes get individual rooms, but part-timers get dorms slightly larger than Team C. They get basic bathrooms, but still must use communal showers, recreation room and kitchen.

Team C: (Clover, Barron, Richie, Gigi, Tobi)

The Trainee Team. Team C comprises of new supers who don't have a strong grasp of their powers' full capabilities, or they need to get experience fighting within a unit. This team is part-time, but promotion into Team B is easy for those willing to cooperate. Supers who are still in school are often kept in this team until graduation, with very few exceptions. 

Team C members have a communal bathroom, kitchen, and recreation space. Their quarters have 2 supers living as roommates per "dorm", with few exceptions. 

Other sections include:

Medical Wing (Dr. Simon Firth):

This wing has specially trained doctors (some even being Supers themselves) to heal and operate on injured agents while on the job. The wing is mainly for patch-up work and wellness check-ups, so if there is a critical injury, the client is sent to either Paladin Sorceress, who is a natural healer, or the local hospital. The client can stay in the Medical Wing during a recovery period, though, so the doctors can keep an eye on them.

If an agent is hurt or sick while out as an alter-ego, they must get treated as a civilian. Depending on the circumstances, the EIDA may step in to treat the client. 

The Tech Lab (Clover, Cups)

The Lab is a technologically advanced laboratory where any technology a superhero needs is crafted and built. In the 90s, there used to be a larger team of scientists who worked on various tech, but nowadays, it is only run by Rhys and his small team of assistants. The Lab is mainly centered around creating mechanisms to help Supers, but there is also a chemistry wing where experimental medicines and regulated drugs are created to keep Supers in their best shape.

Assistants in the lab get their own semi-private office and workspace, as well as access to any tools in the Lab, with some of the more advanced systems needing permission.