Soulsplosion's Profile Comments

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The fitnessgram™ pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test yond progressively gets moo sore as 't continues. The 20 meter pacer test wilt beginneth in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts but soft, but gets faster each minute after thee heareth this signal. [beep] a single lap shouldst beest did complete each time thee heareth this sound. [ding] recall to runneth in a straight line, and runneth as long as possible. The second time thee fail to complete a lap ere the sound, thy test is ov'r. The test wilt beginneth on the word start. On thy mark, receiveth eft, start.         

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Th' Dilophosaurus be a genus o' theropod dinosaurs that lived in what be now North 'Merica durin' th' Early Jurassic, 'bout 193 mill'n years back. Three skellies were discovered in Northern Arizona in 1940, an' th' two best preserved were collected 'round 1942. Th' most complete specimen became th' holotope o' a new species in the genus Megalosaurus, named M. wetherilli by Samuel P Welles in 1954. Welles found a bigger skellie belongin' to th' same species in 1964. Realizin' it bore crests on thar skull, he assigned th' species to th' new genus Dilophosaurus in 1970, as Dilophosaurus wetherilli. Th' genus name means "two-crested liz'rd", an' th' species name be honorin' John Wetherill, a Navajo councilor. Further specimens've since been found, includin' an wee one. Footprints've also been attributed to th' animal, includin' restin' traces. Another species, Dilophosaurus Sinensis from China, was named 'round 1993 but was later found to be belongin' to the genus Sinosaurus.

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WE;RE BUDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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activates my trap card to steal the gay energy and become the gayest cowboy this world has ever SEEN

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MHST 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i aim my ass in your EXACT direction!

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Damn that goose boi <3

a good and floofy birb... thx

eat a meat
