
Dieties in my WIP mythology.

Ordered in their folders from least to most powerful for the most part.

They live on the planet Incanten.

Some random lore: Most Gods can make their own Gods but they get weaker as generations go on. Making Gods takes a lot of energy and leaves the maker completely exhausted for a while. This means no magic use and the need to eat. The OGs don't experience this exhaustion though. The OGs and other Gods feel pain if a God they made dies or is mortally wounded. This only applies to Gods they made so it is not generational. Demi-gods can be made when a God and a mortal come together but one can also be made if a God and another God have a child the mortal way. A specific ceremony must happen to actually make a full God so copulation and pregnancy does not fall into this category.

The tiers are organized by power and age. Tier 2 and 3 have similar power levels but since Tier 2 are more well known by mortals, they recieve more power and so are more powerful.