A young girl is too excited about circumstances regarding the school dance (for one- being able to avoid dancing) to notice that everything is falling apart around her.

NaNoWriMo 2012.

Don't think I'll finish this, so I'll mark it as completed. CLIFFHANGER! :D (Read it here.)

Human Fancharacter World of Lingua Pokemon Cephalo City Closed Species Paralogos Inkling Realm of Mynros GProject EXE Crossroads Netnavi Octoling Armorworld Dragonball Original Character Mhoat Pet Vabbit Magical Girl Pokemon Trainer Elementals Whiffling Companion Azilphentyr Mystic Caretaker Metaru Anima Something Else Program Diary of an Experiment Wyvern Wyvern Rider Circle Magi Animal Human Saiyan Ythra Experimented On Shade Palico Esper Noise Canfeli Art Quest Frost Demon Cat Original IP Animan Fusion Elyvian Prompto why Valky NetOp Namekian Animal Crossing Dark Soul Mutable Monster Pouflons CS Skyrim Scottish Fold Cat Dinosaur Sona Fishyfish Chaplan Apocalypse Tournament T.A.C. Demi-God Hajin Dragon Sea Anemone Demon Giant Tiger Prawn Elder Scrolls Xydar Catperson ESPer Rithe Kitsune Majin Mii Dragon Legacy Imp Deity Shadow Khajiit Mothcats