Main sales/resales

All prices are negotiable!! Please, ask on the character to buy/trade, not via messages, or I might forget to reply!
This folder I want sold or traded off. If anyone is tentative, they're marked as such. Offer me about anything or ask what I want if you are unsure and paying with art/characters. I love trades and art!

NEW RULE: (I hate having to add this) If you get a character and instantly resell/trade, I'm no longer accepting trades from you. I can understand a while down the road it not working out, but instantly is pretty yikes.

I happily accept:
Art (please finish within 2 months or communicate that you need longer. If I know you, I'm not as pushy with this)
Character   Trades ( Preferences! )
Paypal or Ko-fi (If 400 points/ $5 or higher)
Subeta CSC ($1=100 CSC) For this folder only

  If RayDoodle offers from this folder, she's perfectly allowed to and I'll transfer for her!