

Squiggles • Vtuber • Magical Girl

Beloved Mascot for Squigglepup Studios She is never for sale!

Main Sona's

My Babies • For Me • Beloved

My most treasured desgins, they repesent all the parts of me i love and heart. these desgins are Never for sale


Cuties • Loved • Mine

Mains hold a speical place in my heart, i don't have as strong of a connection with them, but they are still importaint to me. feel free to offer and ask for pings.


Opened • Closed • Magical

Here is where i keep my Open and closed Speices! they are goofy silly and fun :D


Up For Sale • Up For Trade • Adopts

Desgins i no longer connect with will go here! Also this is where i will also be housing my Adopts! Feel free to offer on them!

Directory HTML by Pinky
