StarButterfly's Bulletins

so basically my friends and i had our luggage stolen and im out of a lot of cash as well as clothes etc that i packed. Because of this, im doing some super sales in order to make back some $ to replace the lost goods :/ i made a police report but the items are as good as gone imo. the most expensive items i had was my switch, skincare products and demonias haha

please comment or pm to purchase: - $300 - $350 - $465 (super tent. i dont wanna sell her) - $100 (charging the price of the icon bc i dont remember her base value) - $120 - $350

For ocs I didn't list, feel free to ask about them below as well. thank you 

Selling Dreamy $350

Posted 21 days, 12 hours ago by StarButterfly

reselling this kiddo for 350

comment or pm to purchase.

Authorizations [OPEN]

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by StarButterfly

Hello! This bulletin is to allow people to see my characters regardless of their 'locked/visible' status. If you'd like to be authorized, then please comment below. I pretty much authorize anyone who asks; however, I am allowed to reject authorization requests for any reason (i.e a black acc with no ties to a discord / oc community)

This will be a permanent bulletin so you're free to comment any time concerning this! I hope you have a lovely day!

Also small edit that I’m sorry if I don’t reply to everyone! I’m really busy / tired to reply and by the time I have energy it’s been days so ;;^^