Authorizations [OPEN]

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by StarButterfly

Hello! This bulletin is to allow people to see my characters regardless of their 'locked/visible' status. If you'd like to be authorized, then please comment below. I pretty much authorize anyone who asks; however, I am allowed to reject authorization requests for any reason (i.e a black acc with no ties to a discord / oc community)

This will be a permanent bulletin so you're free to comment any time concerning this! I hope you have a lovely day!

Also small edit that I’m sorry if I don’t reply to everyone! I’m really busy / tired to reply and by the time I have energy it’s been days so ;;^^


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you're authorized!

I would love to be authorized! You have such lovely taste in characters! <3

Currently due to the sale / my intention of selling everyone - I’ve made all my ocs authorized :)! 

Hi I’m so sorry idk where to comment as I don’t know how to work Toy house (I just got it) but I really want to draw ur alien dog fursona you got recently as I’m obsessed with them!!! Is their anywhere else I could contact you about it? *feel free to delete this comment* 

Hello! Currently I haven’t set them to ‘authorized only’ so you’re allowed to draw them if you’d like. You can just reply to the comment here. I appreciate the kindness :)! They’re a lovely design haha. The artist did amazing!

I’d love to be authorized if that’s alright?

I'd love to be authed ^o^

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i'd love to be auth if it's okay!

done ^^/

yay thank you! ^^

Id love to be auth 🖤

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Done ^^

Hi! I'd love to be authorized if that's okay ^^

I’d like to be authorised please 🙏 


Thank you!

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Done ❤️

May I be authorized?

Done ^^!

I’d love to be authorized if possible!!

Authorized :)!

Hello! May I request to be authorized? ^^

done o/

After I saw your EO, I am thinking of make an art offer on Ciri Lister, but suddenly realized that art is part of your exclusion nor it can be traded with real currency. May I get your authorization just to see this cutie on my favourite wishlist everyday even it is locked to auth only?

Hello! Thank you for asking but I don't feel comfortable with authorizing ;v;/ I've had some bad experiences with people adding my designs to their wishlist so they could stalk them in case I sold them in the future. I'm really sorry. I hope you have a nice day / night!

Ah, so THAT'S THE REASON why you made this authorized only. I understand then.


Hello! You're free to PM as long as the EO thread is open!

I appreciate you looking through my favorites but it's not a good example of designs I want to own. I favorite designs that look nice or designs friends own and more! For a better idea of designs I take interest in, here's my Likes & Dislikes !

Wiggles to see cuties 😊



👉👈 I wanna see your pretty ocs pwease

Done c:!

Always happy to see your wonderful characters <3

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Done ^^!

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done c:!

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