
A species belonging to me / Syrcaid!
Original post:


Marble Info:

  • Bizarrbles have marbles for faces, they range in size with no real upper or lower limit.
  • If their face pops off, it'll be a few weeks before their bodies grow back.
  • Their  marble is a virtually indestructible glasslike substance that composed  of pocket dimensions which can contain everything from plain glass to  compact ecosystems.
  • Not all of them have eye spots.  Some faces within the marble cannot change expression, some can.
  • While their vehicle body is 99% organic, their marble is pretty much magic.
  • The  marble is a world within the world, it can contain anything from bits  of another universe to a tiny ecosystem or a ghost face or whole other  body.
  • The marble also contains their soul, mind, and memories.

Body Info:

  • Have any one or a combination of real or mythological animal influences. (Example image: Unicorn)
  • Come in a range of colors, from natural to fantasy.
  • They need their body for certain senses: Hearing, pressure and temperature sensitivity, eating and sometimes mating.
  • They  don't really die, but if a force tremendous enough cracks their marble  their souls leak out and get reabsorbed into the ether.
  • They will be absorbed into the universe to form other marbles later on.
  • It is believed the marbles are formed at the core of nebulae though some can form when stars or galaxies collide.

Growth Info:

  • Baby: Can be a bare marble or have small amounts of their animal influence(s)  such as fur, scales, feathers, skin, etc.  Some even have tiny feet.
  • Juvenile: Their marble is now mobile!  Have feral forms with two or more limbs,  typically in a juvenile form of their animal influence(s).  Their head  is large and may or may not have ears attached.
  • Adult: Most common adults have the marble as their head.  Faces are ghostly inside the marble or nonexistent.

Marble Placement Rarity:
In all cases the marble will be VISIBLE in some way.

  • Common: Marble for a head.  They perceive all light and images through their marble.
  • Uncommon: Head almost envelopes marble.  No eyes present (if mammalian influenced).
  • Rare/Scarce: Marble replaces chest/breastbones where the arms/limbs would attach.
  • Rare/Scarce: Marble replaces guts, stomach, part of the spine where the upper and lower body would attach.
  • Rarest: Marble replaces the bottom where the tail and hind legs/limbs would attach.

On Anthros:

  • Anthropomorphic Bizarrbles are considered Legendary/Mythical and will be offered on very rare occasions.
  • There will be no MYO's offered on Anthro.

Closed species belonging to me.

anthro humanoid feral cute closed species base equine horse free to use taur pony f2u mlp hybrid feline monster chibi my little pony centaur Cein Isles