The Stars Bleed Black is a love story. A story where two people who just met, against all odds, choose to support one another through everything...including a government scheme that could well cause the downfall of an entire country, as well as endangering one of their lives.

Rain Douglas was just an ordinary guy. Just graduating from college, he was working menial, part-time jobs in pursuit of his dreams. That is, until he bumped into Neo - a stranger on the street whose past is just as mysterious as their present. Rain didn't know who they were, but they were drawn to each other immediately.

Soon after that, however, things would go downhill. With everything devolving into chaos, could the two of them stay the same?

time of death lex talionis dragonvoice d-sec protagonist freedom antagonist demon the holy order gijinka nuzlocke pokemon the endless war dragon dungeons and dragons the stars bleed black nemesis luxi afterworld dinaurian