TheNerdyMikaYuki's Profile Comments

Thank you for Elrose and Sunny! I super appreciate the chance to home them <3 I hope you're doing okay wherever you are, because I wish you the best 💙🤍

I subscribed you. But so as i am a novice on TH, i can't find the list of my subscriptions. Where is it?

Thank you, that’s very nice of you.

Um even I’m not totally sure where the subscription list might go, but i can tell you that what happens is under “Activity” on your notifications you can see if your Subscriptions made new characters or posted new art for them. Also if they made any Bulletins, I think.

I looked everywhere. But i found nothing. Probably i need to search the info in help desk.

Thank you for the sub to our species hub~

Thanks for the fav!