D: Trade/Sell

Please do not go outside this folder. I've listed below about details on trades and art offers. I'm also copy pasting this into individual profiles because many do not read. xD

I tend to buy things on impulse and try to use them however many do fall through the cracks and so they end up for sale. I also dabble in designs myself and tend to throw them up for sale. So this is where most of my for sale comes from. 

General OC Trades: I like a lot of different things so if you need an idea it would be best to look at this account's oc's. I tend to prefer male ocs but I'm less interested female ocs because I tend to like more expensive designs for them [unique]. So mostly ferals and anthros and a little bit of humans sprinkled in. I tend to like oc's with white marked faces or natural-ish colors and rainbow vomit. I like naturalish looking fur patterns. xD It's just kind of hard to say what my likes and dislikes are. I generally dislike things like geometrical shapes and stars etc. I love emo sparkle dogs but I can't get over having hearts, stars, and horseshoes in random places. I generally like gothic, punk, emo, vampire, dark, creepy, monsters, gold, teal, purple, blues etc. I do not like anything under the themes like "sparkle pink princess" unless its a cross dresser or flamboyant gay. I just can't get into that bubble gum candy aesthetic. [Pastel goths etc are acceptable ~]  I don't generally go for soft comfort designs but its 50/50.

General Art Offers: In the nicest way possible I'm not really open to scribbles or stick figures atm. I'd prefer something a little more clean and practiced. If you have a more simpler style I really do enjoy chibis and cute things and welcome them in trades. If not I'd just want something on the same lvl as the oc your trading for or something around the same value. 

Price/ Haggling: I'm open to most haggling on prices. It really depends on the item. Some I'm not as attached too and just need to get rid of them. xD


Images:  I tend to not upload the full sized images to toyhouse until sales are final. I will hide the image in the gallery and send them over. After that they are deleted and responsibility falls on you.  

It's Not Free: Please do not ask me for hand outs or freebies. I do free art and art trades as is when I have free time. I will not be giving these out for pennies. Please do not bother me with begging offers. All it does is make me feel bad and  stressed which makes me not want to work with you. 

General Comments /Response Time: I tend to be a ball of anxiety but generally I'll respond in a few days / within a week. I've gotten a busy work schedule and find it hard to find free time lately. Generally if I like your offer I will respond. If your offering oc's it might take me longer to decide because I have to go through a gallery. Generally I prefer money offers over oc's so I might also be waiting on more offers in general. I try to give a response if I don't accept your offer but sometimes things fall through the cracks. I just get anxious interacting with such topics. I don't like saying no to people or want to come off rude. @..@ 

       ~~~But I see you active?!: You will see me active a lot throughout the day because generally its one site I mindlessly click on. It has my characters I'm developing and thinking about. For me I call it my free time and not "emails time". Most of those active blimps are me flipping through my oc galleries because I'm vain/collector. OR I'm actively looking through the market place trying to swoop up a new shiny oc. So I'm sorry if your feeling ignored but generally I wait till I get home to respond.  


Canidae Wolf Dog Art Wanted Monster Anthro Felidae Human Dragon Mustelid Equidae Medieval Design Rework Species Cervidae Bovidae Trilobite Alien Caviidae Muridae