WIP follows the story of Podge, Cat and Guard as they explore the various "Pages" of their world, the "Tome", in search of answers, adventure, and acceptance. Each Page can have a completely different world with completely different rules, cultures, species, landscapes, and more! The Pages are layered exactly like they are in a book, meaning they are all about the same size and contain Margins (world borders)that nothing on the page can cross. Each Page runs separately from the other, developing its story independently. However, that is slowly ceasing to be the case.

   Things seem to be falling apart everywhere, and nobody seems to know exactly why! Will the trio add to the destruction, or find it's source? Aka, watch as Tig attempts to write!

"Things only get better when you work at them!"

Needs Ref Or Redesign Clear World Human TigTag Brak Design HURT Written In Paper - Story Guardian ARPG Town Fan Character Elemental Not My Species Comfort AurisBorealis Design Unused Species Sundune Catish Red World Dont Need Art Of