The Fab Gears

cWQvZF.gifThe Fab Gears are the only anthro tribute band dedicated to The Beatles that exists in the Tigville/Wolf Cove universe. During performances, Max Lennon plays John Lennon, Paul McGear is Paul McCartney, George Harrismith is George Harrison, and SyrinTigress' Josh Huskwolf plays Ringo Starr. Max, Paul and George hail originally from the UK and moved to Tigville, while Josh lives in nearby Wolf Cove.

These are comfort characters for me.
Still a huge WIP as storylines/info are being added gradually.

Timeframe: Historically dressed and lives as though it were the 1960s, yet set in the late 90s-2000s.

dog bunny rabbit orange 60s green blue red 1960s anthro singer purple bird halloween brown dalmatian musician dragon beagle wings