Tokkiria's Profile Comments

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Stumbled upon your th and just have to say your characters are gorgeous!! >////< ))

ahhhH Late reply but thank you so much !! ////q////)

♥️(´ ꒳ ` ✿)

Thank you for giving me a purpose

Hi! Just wanted to say your ocs are super adorable!

Hello! Thank you for the nice comment ahhhh ////Q////

No problem!

I like boys in shorts too. -thumbs up-

//highfives good to know i have a comrade ! hue u q u///b

Hello O:

Hello ! ///v///


welcome to the club fren u////u

//feels welcome ;////; hh your charas are so cute~ I like the way you paint legs and shorts O:

y ELLS th ank yo u !! ///////ㅁ/////// I aim to draw better legs everyday (ง✿´꒳`)ง

13 Replies