
These characters will probably never leave me. I consider them, in some ways, to be an extension of myself. So if you happen to like a character in this folder, sorry but they aren't going anywhere. And I'm probably not going to want to co-own them either. Thanks for understanding!

MTea Icon Colonel Profile Favorite Co-Owned vday Toucat toucan Yuristorm Fendi Cloverpup Shantyland profile DND VDay2022 C-Chimera Safi Toucan Needs Icon Bonzfire Ailuranthropy Witherlings VDay2024 cinnabutt Royal Shepherd RogueToon morteraphan Casquedi Aledles Finch Frost Birdsona Aspeneyes needs icon Winterfaux Tasteslikeanya whispen Esk sunriscintilla beetljuuc Moriartea