The Catacombs

The Catacombs 

The Catacombs started out a cave den of a few thief’s and trades. It grew into a large unorthodox cave system of other merchants and crooks. Slave trades and cage fights. A place where the only thing stopping someone form getting shanked was the unwritten code of the area. The cave system starting in one of the lower mountains of the Crimson Peaks and spreading out far and wide under the rooms. It was a rather den of disorder and only full of the less then respected. Even after the rise of the vampires and many attempts to reform the Catacombs it still stayed an un slightly mess. Even Turing to a location younger vampire would go to convert other to become follows or slaves to try and over throw their higher ups.

This all changed much like most of the vampiric empire when Velvet took over.  She came down on the Catacombs with an iron fist. Chasing out the criminal scum from the location and rebuilding the once great cave system to it’s former glory. She turned the den of caves and drug dens into a legitimate build of stores and stalls.  As she over saw it grow into an actual black-market location. She set down her own rules of trade and a needed quality of goods all that sawt to sell in the crypt. She set up structured rules and systems for both the cage fights and animal fights.  And her hand came down hard on the mistreatment and poor quality of slaves once sold in the dark damp caves. Slavery and obedience is a stable of the vampiric way of live there was nothing velvet could do to stop the system she be mad to try. What she could do was regulate and profited off it for the betterment of the thrown as well as try to improve the quality of live of those who found them selves in chains. Setting stick requirements of quality and treatment of any slaver trying to get rid of there wears. This treatment also spread over to the disgusting practices of animal part peddling and rare animal poaching.
There will always be crime and always be those that go below the law.  People will always find ways to get around the ban to acquire there goods. Velvet under stood this this explained this to the watch captains. Her solution was to give all the cut purses and criminals a location they could do all this illegal trade. With a focus not on stopping the crimes but ins stead an enforced standard of goods with the hope this would limit the actual amount of random criminals just trying to sell a slave or kill an animal for quick coin. velvet never actually tells anyone is she secretly uses the catacombs to scout out rising trouble makers or those that go against her own morals. Some merchants and buys are barred from the catacombs for there sales and if they think to cross velvet again the penalty will be a quick death at velvets own hands.