
Characters of my graphic novel in production named "Catharsis, the Awoken"

WARNING: This folder can contain spoilers of the story and characters.


In a distopian brown toned world, a young boy called Mason joins a rebel group to protect his city from a local plague while also tries to overcome his father's death and settle his own individuality. In the other side of the town, Obediah, the melancholic mayor is driven by a deep resentment and an inner hate for the system in which they're inserted while deals with his past memories along with an unknown biological force. They both shall face their own selves, developing bonds and questioning if they are aware and right about their actions, phisically and mentally. All in a story of love, injustice and revenge, immersed in the chaos and horror the human mind can create.


The city is called Santo Desperato, located in a place known as Valley, a giant piece of land surrounded by mountains, where the sky has brown tones during the day and is completely dark at night. People cannot across the Slits, giant artificial gaps in the ground and mostly make theories about what's going on outside the Valley after so many decades. This verse didn't hit the digital era yet, and tecnology is very analogic and most likely won't evolve as mostly tecnology is owned by the army.

In a verse where the world we know was devastaded by unknown reasons, being known as Old Era and people fear that any individual big rulers are intended to be corrupted by their power, a literal corruption. In the current time of the comic, this place highest autority is the Court, a group formed by 5 that came from the people, "trustable people" that created many lower positions so they can never be claimed to be "corrupted". They're extremely respected, being against the Court is considered a rebel behavior.

One of the smaller positions but still the highest someone of the people could achive is the Mayor, someone that commands/ decides social projects and that should, in theory, reflect the people's tenet.