
Southeast Asia is a mixed bag for sync rights. Sometimes they are considered property just as in the Middle East, but other times they are treated more as lower-class people. In Thailand specifically, syncs do have some legal rights, though a heavy bias against them means they are not always upheld. Most Thai syncs are poor farmers, factory employees, or sex workers. Abduction for illegal sex trafficking is a persistent problem that thrives despite heavy enforcement and harsh punishment.

Bangkok is a noteworthy exception. It is by no means a robotic paradise; legally, syncs have no more rights here than anywhere else in Thailand. However, sync prostitutes are extremely popular with both tourists and native politicians and businessmen, and their industry provides such a boost to the local economy that even the most honest and straight-edged lawmakers and police are usually willing to look the other way. Prostitution is one of the only ways syncs can escape poverty, though even the most successful rarely surpass lower-middle class.

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