


“a quote here would be really cool huh.” - someone

Echoclan cats are dedicated to entertaining. Everyone here can find a place, whether you be a poet, dancer, or musician. Echoclan is a very welcoming community, inviting any cat into their midst.

They have a reputation in the other clans for being rather weak, only caring about gossip and musicals, and while this is rather true, they can be far underestimated. While they build their abilties to dance, they inadvertantly become light on their paws, building stregth and agility.

The clan has three leaders, each with three lives. Echoclan cats adorn their pelts with the feather that they find on their very first day of being a novice.

High Ranking Cats


Sol's Disciple


Luna's Disciple


Aurora's Disciple


Event 1

Echoclan started long ago as a rebelious group of Crowclan warriors that believed that the only way to stop Idris's wrath was to spare the albino creatures the rest of Crowclan was zealous about destroying. They were cast out of the clan for their heresy and started a new society farther into the forest.
In the beginning, they were much like the clan they just left, but after giving shelter and community to any cat that wanted to join, their original cause was slowly lost to time.

Event 2

During the darkest era in Echoclan history, a terrible leader named Ivystar ruled over the clan. He had two offspring, Lostthistle and Brightmist, each meeting their own terrible fate. Lostthistle, always cast aside and abused by their father, tried to use their charm and charisma to arrise a coup from the clan. Ivystar quickly snuffed out the rebellion by killing Lostthistle. Brightmist, already under intense stress from trying to be perfect for her father, finally snaps. She kills 6 innocent cats before being caught and killed. The clan bands together to take down Ivystar once and for all.
Believing that the single leader structure had too much risk, the community decided to split the power between three cats instead, based on Echoclan's three deities.

Event 3

also I should probably tell you that the box scrolls. actually yknow what, I should probably just keep putting filler until the box scrolls to demonstrate that the box scrolls and stuff. so idk how's your day going, cus mine's going pretty lamely right now if I'm honest. I mean I'm coding this in rn, and you're reading this rn, so I think we're both doing lame things rn
Code by MCDogWarrior