BeastsoʇOur Own Mind

Beasts of Our Own Mind is a story that has no story. Every oc in here has no place in CreepyPasta, Elubara Ciddadel, Mythos, Dilliance, Universe Omega, Nor Wonderland.

They simply just are, and they simply just are of m̴̡̹̓ÿ̵̤́͗ own mind. This world has no rhyme or reason, everything is always brightly colored and the world itself is floating around randomly with a broken up "main land", The sky is blank, and everything turns to gray when the mind is breaking apart.

SPOILERS: Nothing here is going to always be so pretty, and often than not it's going to be dark and grim. Be careful where you tread or you just may fall off the deep end.

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